A choice?

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Hey I'm really sorry for the break and I am very thankful that you guys have been so patient with me I am really honestly sorry I don't really have a proper excuse but enjoy.

After hearing this senpais jaw was touching the floor he didn't know wether to throw the game or to win either way this could only end in teasing for him and a good time for Nagatoro but he didn't really want to fight since this was there finally round and he needed to concentrate.

The round started senpai could feel the sweat on his palms it had been ages since he had to try so hard and one look at Nagatoro could tell you the exact same thing if either of them wanted to win they would have to pull out all the stops.

The countdown started senpai gripped on to the controller ever so slightly more but the thought of what Nagatoro said was still fresh in his mind he didn't want to lose but then she would no doubt make sure to get back at him twice as hard on there date.

Senpai quickly brought his attention back to the game though when he heard the sound of the game starting he took a quick look a Nagatoro and could see how concentrated she was while senpai still had his mind set on her words.

Senpai started to wonder if she had done that on purpose but quickly abandoned that idea since she would have made it way more obvious Nagatoro noticed senpais head was in a different world but this was nothing new he would always overthink anything she over said.

she paused the game and stared at senpai he knew she knew that he wasn't really giving full attention to the game which she probably found out from him doing mostly blocks and barely attacking back.

Senpai took this time to scan her room he didn't really get to do that last time because of all the swirling emotions that were ravaging his head at the time he noticed a lot of things he never noticed before one was that her room was really neat and tidy.

Everything from the made bed to the neatly placed books on the cabinet he then took the time to gaze out the window and noticed that the sun was now being to disappear which gave the sky a nice orange colour.

Nagatoro on the other hand just wanted to get this game finished she wanted to finish it so she could come out with a bunch of different ways to tease senpai whether that be tonight or tomorrow senpai took a quick look at her and knew she was waiting for senpai to get his focus back.

"Come on senpai I want to beat you when ur at ur best not when ur imaging being in a bed with me" it might have come out a bit to bold since when she finally process what she just said a massive blush appeared on both of there faces.

"I-I wasn't" he said trying to sound as confident as possible without making out as if he was lying well he was but he didn't want her to know that Nagatoro was the first to regain her composure which was later followed by senpai.

"Sure whatever you say are you ready to play now" Senpai just have a quick nod in response since he felt that if he answered in words he would just go right back to blushing again.

Nagatoro continued the game and within 3 seconds were back to fighting again with senpai still on the defensive since his play style was more waiting for a opening and then going in for the kill while nagatoro took a more offensive approach.

Senpai was just waiting for the right moment to straight but he couldn't see one nagatoro had gotten really good at this game compared to when they first played he liked that she wasn't relying on cheating.

Just as he thought that he felt something warm blowing on his cheek he straightened his posture and his face became red and for a split moment his guard was open nagatoro took this opportunity to finish the match and the game was won.

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