The two finally talk.

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Hey guys I'm back it's been a while huh sorry for the short chapter I'm trying to get back into it lightly and
Not just Burn myself out again anyway hope you guys enjoy.

It was the morning after, Nagatoro had just woken up thanks to her alarm, she wiped her eyes to clear her vision.

But then, she realized she'd have to face her senpai in school today, which she hadn't even thought to prepare for. However, since she gets up so early for school.

She had time to prepare for the inevitable conversation that they would have today, she sat on her bed and then began to rattle her brain for ideas.


She could think of anything! Not only that, but she began to panic knowing she is stuck, unable to escape the embarrassment that will soon take place.

Senpai has to now know that she likes him it is basically a guarantee at this point, but even now, she can't get the doubt in her head to disappear it's been this way for a while now.

She took a deep breath and calmed herself after clearing her made she knows there's a pretty good chance senpai liked her so that's all she needed to know.

She made her decision... she was just gonna just go with the flow wing it whatever you want to call it, it's what she's done with senpai so far, and it's worked most of the time so why not know right?

And after all that she got up from her bed only to see her sister at the door with a weird grin on her face.

Nagatoro instantly thought the worst, had her sister been there the hole time? Looking at just she face it seemed nagatoro's fears were true, her sister came to her room and sat on her bed.

"Hey listen my advice "
Nagatoro looked at her in a way to tell her didn't want it, but her sister continued on anyway.

"Worst thing you can do is over this it, just tell him you and him need to talk and then strike tell him what you want to tell him"

Nagatoro looked at her in amazement at how easily she just handled that, however she'd never tell her she's going to take her advice, but now she had a plan all she had to do is execute it.

Nagatoros sister left the room with a little smile, knowing she'd just helped her sister.

Nagatoro got ready and headed downstairs making sure not to make eye contact with her sister who was sat eating breakfast.

"You not going to eat nagatoro?" Her mum asked her out of concern.

Nagatoro froze up for a second, but then turned to face her.

"I'm not hungry thanks" after nagatoro told her mum she wasn't hungry she headed out the door and breathed the fresh air through her lungs and then started walking.

Her first thought was to walk her normal path, but then she realized she'd then have to talk to senpai, and she would rather her conversation with him be somewhere her friends couldn't pop up.

So, she took an alternate route to stop this from happening, which working pretty well considering she hadn't seen him since she got to school.

Nagatoro quickly hurried into the school, not wanting senpai to catch up.

She made it into the school without so much as seeing senpai which admittedly had her a little worried.

Afterward she saw senpai walking down the hall, but even as little as that much got her heart pounding away.

5 hours later

School had ended, and only the club members were left in school which meant now was when she had to strike" the words of her sister popping into her head as she thinks that.

Nagatoro began heading to the art club which she knew her senpai would be, her stomach felt as if it would explode from the butterflies she felt.

However, she kept moving until she got to the door. And finally after a massive breath of fresh air, she began sliding it open and then picked through.

"H-hey naoto we need to talk"

Senpai turned till he could fully face her while clearing, emulating a sense of shyness in doing so.

"Y-yea I agree" he couldn't even look in her general direction while saying this,, so he chose to just look down.

She moved her legs forward one after the other, and while senpai still couldn't see her heard her every Movement from her feet closing the distance between them to her heavy breathing.

Nagatoro stopped moving, senpai no longer heard her footprints hit the ground he looked up leaving his clearly flushed face open to her vision.

Senpai continued moving his face up until he was able to have her in his view, she was standing right above him glaring into his eyes with pink on her face.

Senpai pulled his face down to the ground to embarrass to keep the eye contact with him now facing the group he could only see her feet.

He didn't get a good look through since nagatoro had just begun to pull on his shirt wanting him to stand up, after about 3 tugs on his shirt senpai gave in and raised above his seat still trying to keep her eyes out of his vision.

"Can you look at me please" the way she said it, it was as if she were almost begging him to? Nagatoro knew what she needed to do, but she needed his complete focus on her as she did it.

The words made senpai jump a bit, but he couldn't refuse her plead, so he did as she asked and looked directly in the eyes.

His was in shock he didn't know how to explain it she looked vulnerable he was unable to put into words how endearing her face looked.

"Okay senpai I need to tell you something"

Senpais mind was completely focused on her words, they just kept spinning around his head over and over.

"I've wanted to tell you this for a while now, but it's better late then never right" she chuckled at her statement a little.

Silence not the room for a good 10 seconds


And then...

"I l-like you naoto" her words were almost a whisper, barely heard by even senpai who was stood right next to her.

The words took a second to process inside his brain spinning round and round until he nearly fell off his feet, literally the only thing which stopped his was his hand grabbing onto the canvas near his chair.

He heard that right didn't he, did nagatoro really just say that? It took him a couple more seconds until he realized he heard her right, his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

How will senpai reply find out next time.

Sorry for the Cliffhanger thought it was the best place I could end it hope you guys enjoyed and tell me what you think by commenting.

Oh and the new chapter will be out as soon as Monday going onto Tuesday max which I'm hoping will be around 5000 words if I get enough time to do it

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2022 ⏰

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