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Hawks POV//

I recovered from surgery and back at work me and y/n she's kinda warming up to me a little bit we went on a few dates today i'm generalnna ask her to be my girlfriend i go to her house and knock on her door and she answers "what *yawn* do you want"she says tiredily "well um....I"I stutter because I'm kinda 'distracted' by her outfit

I"I stutter because I'm kinda 'distracted' by her outfit

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"Hey do you want to be my girlfriend"I say not making eye contact "sure"she says and slams the door in my face I started to walk away when y/n teleports next to me and she kisses my cheek and we hang out the whole day


I hear a knock at my door so I open it and it's y/n and I think she's drunk I let her and she kisses me on the lips we make out she tasted like alcohol I mean did wanna have sex with her but it's to early on our relationship "c'mon let's go to bed instead"I say as I help her walk to my room "I love you keigo"she says sloppy "I look you too"I say as we lay down she lraughs as she falls asleep I can't help but smile at her she was just to cute when she was sleeping I kissed forehead and fall asleep
Time skip {y/n POV//}

I wake up with a headache I get up knowing I'm most likely at keigo's house I go to the kitchen and see keigo making breakfast "good morning"he says cheerfully "do you have any tylenol"I say groggily "uh...yeah I'm the bathroom" hawks said I walk to the bathroom and take the tylenol and go to the kitchen and see two plates I eat and leave out I go home and get ready for work I get to work and make me some coffee and start my usual day after work I go home and sleep since I got off early

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