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Emily POV//

  Today is y/n's 22nd birthday I know she doesn't really celebrate, normally she just goes to a club but, this year I'm giving her a real party with all her favorite things that's not beer.  "y/n what do want for your birthday"I ask her "I don't know"she says sipping some tequila "you're such an alcoholic"I tell her jokingly as walk out the door to go to the store

Y/n POV//

     I'm sitting down on my phone when I here a knock at the door I open it and it's                  
"Hey... mom"I mumbled to her  "hey baby what do you wanna do"she ask "I don't know"I say letting her in we talk for a while, when I remember I had a date with Hawks.  "I've gotta go"I tell her "oh but we were having so much fun"she says,  grabbing my arm roughly "look I'm going out with someone tonight"I tell her snatching my arm away she frowns and we walk to the door.

Hawks POV//

   I was on my way to pick up y/n for our date when I see dabi he walks towards me smirking "what do you want"I ask him "you know your little girlfriend is really bold"he says laughing "what do you mean"I say worried about y/n "it's not what we did it's what she did.... We kidnapped her and she was so calm also she looked vaguely familiar to me"he said then walked away what does he mean I ask myself as I walk closer to her house." by the way me and yn dated for a while"said he Disappearing again for the last time. I'm not gonna bring this up on her birthday
Time skip      no POV //

    Y/n and Hawks had a lovely dinner but keigo still felt awkward about the dabi and y/n dating thing

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