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No POV//
1,5,3,1,2,5,6,1,0 I count as I hyper focus on some thing I'm doing.  "y/n what are you doing now"Emily says behind me. I turn around from what I'm doing to see, Emily and my mom standing there I stopped what I was doing and got up "hey I know how you feel about lending things to people but..."my mom started "you want money"I interrupted her as she nodded I tell her no and she yells at me saying oh I'm your mom or how can't  you do this and I gave birth to you like always I go back to what I was doing she realized I wasn't letting her manipulate me again she left out my life again.

Time skip
When is dabi Gonna give up can't he see I don't love him I never have why does keep following me I stop walking and turn behind me to see, the one and only dabi. Of course it is "what now"I say he just smiles I don't wanna waste time so I walk away. I don't care if follows me he already know where I live now that think about it that's scary I get pull from my thoughts when I feel a hand on my ass I know it's dabi of course I punch him in the face he turns around what is wrong with him I open the door to my house and go back to working on the thing I was doing this morning I know Emily won't be home until 8:53 oddly specific I know but I memorize things I hear a tap at my window I look up to see keigo I let him in we talk for awhile when I noticed a scar on his arm "where'd you get this"I ask touching the scar "piece of scrap metal fell on me"he say "you must have lots of scars"I say "yeah wanna see them"he ask me and I nod
Time skip
"What this one from"I ask I sip my wine "I had stopped some thieves and one of them cut me"he said at this point he already had his shirt off and y/n was just wearing one of keigo's hoodies he left over there and some under wear no shorts no bra that's it. Then things soon escalated when y/n hooked her finger to waist band of hawks pants
Time skip (brought to you by: great sex)
Hawks left since he had work tomorrow and it was getting late y/n realized her dear friend Emily wasn't home as she checked the time 9:00 she grew worried she never felt like this before she was normally mean and cold not really letting anyone in her heart when the door opened it was Emily

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