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(Most of This entire chapter might be a flash back on y/n's childhood and stuff)

"Danm it can't you act like a normal human just for once"mom yelled at me as I just rocked back and forth petting my pet rabbit "and stop petting that fucking bunny"she yelled as she thew the bunny at the wall. she walked away mumbling something I walked over to pick up the rabbit and bring it to the vet. I leave out the door I realized I don't know where the vet is, so I walk to the nearest doctors office "even if I were a vet I would tell you it's dead"he said as me and my sister stood there. "the air smells different when it rains" I say crying "are they going to heaven".my sister ask as the doctor nods at her question "I don't want them to go to heaven"I cry, as my older sister walks me out of the office she takes me to an abandoned house. "we're not going home" she says to me as I smile a couple months ago I was diagnosed with ADHD, and my mom didn't like that I was different and smarter than her I was even smarter then me older sister. My sister hold me close and hums a song to me as I fall asleep
Present day☀️
I wake up and remember i have to give a speech I get ready and go to the hospital I work at since it's a party a decided to wear something casual

Time skip

I get there and talk with Emily when I hear my name "you ready"they say I nod and grab the mic

"When I was nine the rain smelled like ice cream and my bunny went heaven in front of my eyes, when I was 14 the rain smelled like burnt food my sister went to heaven in front of my eyes. Now I'm 22 and I'm not letting anyone else go to heaven in front of my eyes."I say as Emily comes over gives me a hug "you should talk like that more"she said "yeah, yeah, whatever"I say pulling away

                        Flash back

In and out of my moms care I just graduated college teacher m going to med school my mom still tell me to give up the only reason I'm doing this because of she told me I couldn't do it but she come crawling back crying saying 'oh I'm so sorry' as always like when I got famous on social media and she decided she needed a share cause she my mom whatever I finish packing as my mom yells at me saying college in a waste of time and money

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