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Y/n POV//

  I'm doing a surgery with like 5 interns watching me ask dumbass questions and Emily says
"I have to be nice" whatever  like I'm working your shift and my shift she shouldn't talk until she works 2 shifts with 5 teenagers being annoying as fuck "so when are you gonna teach us"a student said scared "aren't you guys taking notes"I say annoyed they reply by shaking their head no I sigh in dissatisfaction and continued the surgery so I didn't kill someone I finished up the surgery and went to a care for my lunch break the interns left for their own lunch I get to the café and order my food I sit and sigh I start to eat my food when out if nowhere keigo sit down in front of me and talks about his intern "do have any interns"he ask to which I nod and tell him how annoying they were I realized I had to go back to work when Hawks grabs my hand "why as one cold"I snatch my hand back remembering when I was little

                ~Flash Back~
I was walking down the Hall at elementary school a normal day getting bullied the teachers doing nothing about it normal day Emily and her happiness "y/n"Emily said "what"I say sad but not showing it "why are you so cold"she said worried

(I literally wrote this shit in class and worked hard on it so of you have request conment them to me thx)

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