"The both of us know she doesn't belong to anyone. Y/N isn't a thing. She's a being. Let her go." Zane states, his tone darker than usual.
He had found you. It took him a couple of days, but he managed to track you down to a nearby forest. A guy had knocked you out and drugged you. You had no idea what he had done to you in the time of being knocked out; but you were glad Zane had found you. Just in time too, your kidnapper was going to burn you alive.
"No. I found her first." your kidnapper argues back. He flips the match's in his hand, an evil grin on his face. He couldn't wait until Zane watched you burn alive. You jumped in your tight rope every time the lighter hit your kidnappers hand; you were honestly terrified of dying.
"Let her go. This is your last warning."
"Your last warning for what?"
"For you to die." Zane snaps back. Your eyes widen as you begin to shake your head. No way was Zane going to kill your kidnapper. Yes, he was a asshole for kidnapping you and he was dead to you; but Zane wasn't the killing type. He would never kill anyone, it's not in his nature!
"Mm!!" you attempt to speak through the tight rope in your mouth, but could only get out a squeal. Zane looks from you to the kidnapper, his eyes now a red. As he was a nindroid, his eyes changed colour due to his emotion.
"Ninja...GO!" he shouts his voice angry with passion. His white hurricane heads towards your kidnapper; you could hear his cries for help and Zane's foot bash against his skull. You begin to bite through the rope, you couldn't let Zane kill this guy. You then hear another thump; another yell. Closer. A cracking sound. Free.
"ZANE!" you scream to him, "STOP!" Zane's hurricane continues to spin. "ZANE JULIAN, CUT. IT. OUT!" You hear once last thump before Zane came out of his hurricane form. His eyes had returned back to their normal shade of blue, but his focus was unsteady.
"Y/N..."he breathes.
"Zane, you didn't did you...?"
He shakes his head. You sigh with relief, your head rolled back onto the tree that you were strapped up too. Zane walks over, beginning to untie you without saying a word.
"Zane, don't feel bad. You were mad." you start with a softer voice, "I would have done the same with you."
Zane slowly nods, holding onto your hand protectively. "Let's go." he whispers, glancing over to your kidnapper on the floor. You look back at him one last time before walking back home to safety, hand in hand with Zane.
Once you got back, you called the police. Your parents were overjoyed at your return. Tears were shed, hugs were spread, and the thankfulness towards Zane was never ending. You could never thank Zane enough for what he had done.
"I need another hug!" your Mom says happily, squishing you and your Dad into a tight hug. You see Zane standing awkwardly besides the family reunion hug, giving you a small smile.
"Come, Zane." Your Dad then says breaking away, "Your family now."
Zane smiles before joining in the hug, his blonde hair brushing up against your cheek. You loved him with every part of you.
Cole and Y/B/F/N had been searching for you about well over a week now. The search for you had kinda died down, but Cole and Y/B/F/N had not given up hope just yet.

Ninjago Boyfriend One Shots ✔️COMPLETE
FanfictionNinjago Boyfriend Scenarios! If you have any you especially want: Comment! I hope you enjoy and I hope this gives you FEELSS I will update soon! WARNING: They may be some bad language in some parts c: (Cover credit to a talented tumblr user)