He attempts to make a pick-up line!

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It was your last day staying with Zane and the Ninja's at the bounty; you were going back home tomorrow. The Ninja's were out training with Wu which left you and Zane alone. You and Zane had been washing up from making cookies, but he recently left saying he went to find something and hadn't returned. It had been at least 15 minutes and you were getting a little suspicious.

You carefully wash the last plate with the cloth taking care to wash every speck of dirt off but soon get distracted by the sound of feet on the creaky floor boards. You feel as if two people were walking around even though it was just you and Zane in the bounty...but decided to ignore it and turn around anyway.

"Zane! Where have you been? You missed the last of the cleaning!" you say holding up your now spotless dish to show Zane. He nods a little, his eyes dropping to the ground. "...Are you okay?" you then ask.

Zane gulps before speaking again, his voice slightly breaking: "A-Are you a banana? Because I-" he pauses, looking behind him before looking back to the small notepad in his hands, "Because I find you appealing."

There's a small silence before you break down into piles of laughter, Zane watching you slightly confused.

"Was I...funny?" he asks with an innocent tilt to his head.

You continue to laugh, stumbling over to him. "Who dared you to do it?"


"Zane. I can see right through you. Who made you say that awful pick-up line to me?"

He closes his notepad then looking behind him, nodding towards a ginger bob hiding behind the coat stand. Jay. Walkers.

"JAY!?" you burst into laughter all over again. You then see Jay make a run for it, giving Zane a wink before he leaves. Zane turns back to you giving you a still confused look.

"Why are you laughing- Jay told me it would make you...smile."

"Jay doesn't know anything!" you say to Zane, calming yourself, "Buut- I think it's sweet that you wanted to make me smile."

You then lean across and sweetly kiss Zane on his nose, taking his head in your hands. You pull back to find Zane with a small smile on his face. You could tell that inside his Nindroid-like body; he was blushing.


You were in your room at the bounty, relaxing on your bed with music blasting through your ears. It was your last day at the bounty, you just wanted to spend the last couple of hours in peace. But that was about to be interrupted.

"Y/N!" Cole barges into your room before throwing himself onto your bed causing you to giggle. You pull out your headphones, getting up from the warmth of your bed.

"What's been happening?" you ask leaning forward in your sitting position, "You obviously came in here for a reason."

A smirk begins to form on Cole's lips, "Not exactly..."

You raise your eyebrows. "No...? Then what is it?"

"Well- Kiss me if I'm wrong...But dinosaurs still exist- right?"

You start to grin like an idiot, giving Cole a hit on his arm. "Your an asshole Cole Brookstone" You pull his shirt towards you as you bring your lips to his, smiling at every kiss you earn.


Your in the training room hitting at a punchbag, your knuckles beginning to get bloodied. You carefully eye yourself in the long-length mirrors besides you, staring at your figure as you punch. It was your last day at the bounty and you wanted to make the most of it by training hard.

After a while of punching at the bags, you bend over to get your water bottle and take a long sip at it; noticing Kai as he walks in the room.

"Y/N, have you been sitting in sugar? Because you have a sweet ass!"

"My ass- Bullshit" you snap back at him trying to keep down the small smile on your face. Noticing this, Kai comes up behind you, wrapping his muscular arms around your waist, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.

"Come on Y/N" he says in a softer tone, "I know you secretly enjoyed it..."

"Did I though?" you laugh turning your head so you could see Kai, "It was pretty bad."

"I'll try better next time" he then agrees, giving you a long loving kiss to your forehead.


"Come in!" you call without looking behind you. You were packing your small amount of things for your journey back home tomorrow from staying with Jay at the bounty for almost a week. You had to admit though, you defiantly enjoyed being with Jay and the Ninja way more than any other point in your life.

You turn your head a little from your packing to see Jay walk into your room, a small smile on his face. Oh no. Here come's a bad pun or joke.

"Whatever you have to say, save it." you tell him, poking him with your toothbrush you had at hand. His expression looks taken aback.

"I might have had something really good to say, actually!" he says, "Well- I'm gonna say it anyway!"

"Please don't!" you whine, rolling your head back onto your shoulders; but this didn't stop Jay.

"Well I've just been to the doctor's- and he told me that I'm lacking Vitamin U"

You pause for a minute before taking in the terrible pick-up line. "Get out" you say, laughing to yourself, "That was your worst one yet!"

"It wasn't the best- I actually have more!"

"NOPE! Nope nope nope!" you begin to push Jay out of your room, him scrambling to get back past you.

"Y/N, This is unfair!" he tells you as you get him to the door of you room, "I deserve another chance!"


He then starts to laugh, "I will get to you Y/N, one day I will make you laugh!"

"Jay!" you start, "You make me laugh being just you! You don't have to make these crappy pick-up lines!"

He then sighs in mid laugh, "Your right" he looks at your feet for a moment before looking back up to you, "So am I able to come back in?"

You finally give in, opening the door with a jokey sigh, "I guess sooo"


"Hey Y/NNN" Lloyd begins, walking over to you with his hands in his pockets. You look up from your comic with a smile to see Lloyd standing in front of you.

"There's my favourite Ninja!" you say, closing over your comic, "So what do you want from me?"

"Well..." he starts, "I was wondering if I could borrow a kiss? I mean- I promise I'll give it back."

A wide grin spreads to your face as you stand up and start to clap. "That was pretty good Garmadon, I must admit!"

"Well...I try my best!" he says, giving his shoulders a little shrug, "Soo... do I get my kiss?"

You walk closer to him, tilting your head slightly. "Of corse you do you idiot." You then join your lips to his, the warm feeling erupting your stomach as he puts his hand to your cheek.

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