Christmas (The final update)

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Just a little note- you need to read the previous chapter to understand the context of this one!


A week had passed since you had last seen Zane, and now it was edging in towards Christmas. In fact today was Christmas Eve. 

You had attempted to apologise to Zane many times, but he always shy's away whenever he sees you. It's like he feels guilty- which shouldn't be the case because you're the one who snooped in his diary in the first place. It should be your fault Zane's avoiding you. 

You're sat in your room on your bed attempting to finish off school coursework but you keep getting distracted by the falling rain outside. It was getting heavier however you found it's pattering sounds nice to work with. However each time you look over to your windows, your gaze can't help but fall upon the present you had brought and wrapped up for Zane this Christmas. You can't help but feel a little more low every time it catches your gaze.


Your head slowly turns to face your Mom who had poked her head round your door. You give her a faint sad smile.

"Would you mind dropping a Christmas present off at your Aunt's?" she asks.

You nod your head slowly. "Yeah, I guess. Lemme just save my work, then I'll come downstairs."

As your Mom disappears again, you quickly save your work and pull yourself out of bed; yawning to yourself as you do. But before heading out, you decide to also pick up Zane's Christmas gift.

* * *

Half an hour later, you had managed to deliver the Christmas present to your Aunt and even stop off to buy some groceries on the way; but you still held Zane's gift. You had been planning to give it to him with a face-to-face apology, but you were a little nervous of how it may turn out- you didn't even know if he would be in, plus he'd probably attempt to avoid you again.

You look down to your hand wrapped parcel for Zane and sigh quietly to yourself; you decide to turn back round and head home. But keeping your head lowered, you don't realise the person approaching you and pulling you to a stop. It's Zane. 

"Y/N" he startles you with a steady tone. 

You blink a few times, and let his firm hands on your shoulders continue to rest there. You couldn't quite make out what to say in reply- it had been a while and you had to admit you felt a little awkward. You let the silence become your reply.

"Y/N, I understand you think I've been avoiding you- but I assure you that's not the case" he pauses, "I just didn't want you looking at that thing you read in my diary." You notice Zane's eye's droop, "I-I was planning on telling you about it. I guess you beat me to it."

You shrivel away from Zane's firm hold, clutching his gift closer to your chest. "But you didn't even accept my several apologies" you point out, "I tried to reach you Zane but- kept distant."

"I was scared Y/N- that you'd think different of me" Zane lowers his head, "I would never want to throw you away."

"But that's what it felt like you were trying to say" you continue with glassed eyes, "I thought you ended it."

"That's the last thing I would want to do Y/N. And-" Zane stops for a moment, "-and I'm sorry. And I accept you may not forgive me, and I-I understand."

You feel a little starstruck at Zane's reasoning. You had no idea that he had felt scared this whole time- in fact it makes a part of you feel worried for him. He must have really wanted to talk to you about what had happened yet something was stopping him from doing so. He probably would have ended up talking to you about it later that day or during that week if it hadn't had been for your curiosity over Zane's diary.

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