Dad? (PLATONIC Dream + Tubbo)

869 32 21

Made on: 14th of August 2021
Published: 22nd of August 2021

Suggested: NotSog7

In this AU, Dream is Tubbo's dad because fluff is cool :D

Dream hummed as he felt the rain pour down onto his coat, he knew he should've left earlier but nooo he had just had to take those extra hours.


Dream muttered, kicking a rock that came in his way but eventually his shoulders slouched as he realized that getting angry wasn't going to solve anything.

Suddenly, his head perked up from where it was originally pointed at the ground.

There was sudden piercing sound in the air, one that mimicked the sound of a baby crying.

His eyes snapped to try and follow the sound by default, mouth dropping open when he saw a box, a wriggling box.

Carefully, he trudged over to it, hesitance slipping into his actions as he suddenly felt the world freeze aroudn him.

The sounds were so much louder than he had originally thought, they were ringing throughout his mind as he saw it.

A small child, probably 3-4 years old maximum judging by their height, glassy tears in their eyes as they held onto a soaked bee plushie.

Their once clean and probably dry clothes were now just as soaked and messy as the bee plush's fur.

Suddenly the world froze.

A kid? Who would just fucking leave a kid in the street?

Dream's mind ran rampant as he watched the small child in the box quiver, he didn't know how to deal with children, let alone raise one.


The child whispered, hope leaking through their voice as they shakily pushed themselves up onto their legs

"Dada please, 'm cold,"

The child cried, shaking violently.

Dream opened his mouth to try and say anything but he couldn't even bare to look the kid in the eyes, he wasn't his 'dada', he was a random stranger who was playing into the role of his 'dada'.

Dream was a rational man, always looking into the consequences before making decisions...


...he was also an emotional man.

"I-... let's get you home first,"

Dream said, squatting down and going to eye level with the kid, heart shattered into pieces when he saw the desperate look on his face.

"Come here bubba,"

Dream swore he heard whiplash when the kid instantly launched into his arms, he could finally see some kind of horns poking out of their head, but he was going to deal with that later.

"Come here, you're soaked bubba,"

Dream cooed, trying to calm the kid's sobs as he unbuttoned his raincoat and let him find some comfort in the outfit.

The nickname rolled off his tongue so naturally, he finds himself calling almost all of his friends that when he's off camera.

"Bee, need bee,"

The kid spoke out, pointing at the bee plushie that had fallen without Dream noticing.

"Of course bubba, lemme get it,"

Dream picked it up and carefully gave it to the kid, eyes picking up on a bright orange folder.

Hmm...what's this?

Dream wondered, picking it up while making sure that he didn't accidentally drop the kid.

"Info on Him"

The words were written in smudged red ink on the front of the folder, it wasn't soaked as much as the kid, but it certainly had it's fair share of rain.

Get the kid home first and then I can look through the documents.

Dream made sure to keep himself from getting overwhelmed at the amount of things they was to do, breathing slowly.

"Home time?"

The kid broke the tense silence, seeming to cower behind the bee plushie when he saw the way that Dream's tired eyes trail to him.

"Of course bubba, you're so smart for knowing that it's home time,"

Dream praised, he could at the very least made the abandoned kid feel better about himself, he knew that kids were emotional sponges.

Say bad things to them, they feel bad.

Say good things to them, they feel good.

It was simple, so Dream thinks he has that much knowledge down about kids.

He heard the way that the kid forced out a chuckle or two, probably sleepy beyond belief.

The walk back home was silent, aside from the constant but lessening pitter patter of the rain.

He could tell that the kid had fallen asleep about half way home when he felt the way that he had slumped onto him.

Wonder what could've happened if he didn't take the kid....

Shivers traced his spine violently as he thought of the horrid ways the poor kid could be treated.

Shivers traced his spine violently as he thought of the horrid ways the poor kid could be treated

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~ When They Arrive Home ~

Dream dropped the wet folders onto his circular wooden table as he slowly shook the kid awake, bringing him out from under the sides of his jacket.


The kid mumbled, eyes shooting open when he saw the new surroundings.

"You're at my house bubba, we're gonna take a quick bath and then we're gonna eat some food,"

Dream smiles as he watched the way that the kid visibly relaxed, seems like they never really had anyone to rely on for a plan.


The kid replied, mind probably much too spent to form any proper sentences.

" name is Tubbo, if you uhm..didn't know.."

Tubbo muttered, legs swinging anxiously and mindlessly hitting the cupboard's doors sometimes.

"Aw, thanks for telling my bub. How about we take that bath now?"

Dream smiled, holding out a hand for Tubbo to take, earning his trust.

"That sounds nice..."

Tubbo muttered, slowly scooting towards the edge of the counter as he trusted Dream to catch him.

And catch, he did.

Word Count: 980

i'm probably going to make a chapter with shenanigans with dad!dream and kid!tubbo


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