Soft Hair (Punzwastaken)

823 31 13

Made on: 23rd of October 2021
Published: 23rd of October 2021

Punz never really was someone to keep his hands to himself, especially when it came to his husband.

He loved touching him in the way that just reeked of 'i love you'; playing with his hair, putting a hand on his thigh when they're just sitting together, kissing him over and over again until he was out of breath, and just giving him random hugs throughout the day.

Sometimes Dream would just be cooking in the kitchen, and suddenly he would feel arms wrap around his waist, or in his recording room and then he would feel someone take off his headphones and try to kiss him silly.

Now, Punz wasn't exactly sure what Dream was thinking when he bought that new bubblegum shampoo and conditioner combo, but now whenever he washed his hair with it, Punz couldn't resist running his hands through it.

He loved the sensation and smell of it, it made his hair so soft and flowy and it was practically being used as a stim toy for Punz whenever he could get his hands on it, and it smelt amazing, especially when Dream's back was pressed against his chest and he could put his head on top of the others.


Dream was just simply scrolling through gallery, getting rid of some of the junk mail that was clogging up his phone.

Most of it was cheesy 'good morning' pictures that his grandma would send every single day.

The feeling of Punz's finger passing through his hair and tugging it occasionally wasn't strange to him, but it seemed that after he washed his hair earlier, it was the only thing that Punz could do.

All day, Punz has been attached to Dream as if he was a lost puppy looking for warmth.

The bed sunk under Punz's weight as he readjusted himself, back being comforted by a pillow that was also being pressed up against the bed head, Dream's back being comforted by Punz's own chest.

Punz's black painted nails thread through Dream's hair as he watched idly, sometimes tapping on some of the pictures just so that he could tease Dream about them.

Punz loved the atmosphere, it was nice and quiet and he finally got what he's been wanting all day, but...he wanted more.

Punz wouldn't consider himself clingy or needy, it's just that he loves attention, he loves it when Dream's eyes are on him and they just say: "I love you"

And he wanted those eyes now.

Soooo, he came up with an idea.

Punz let himself enjoy the sensation of his fingers running through Dream's hair before he tugged at it experimentally.


Dream poked Punz softly on the thigh, twisting his head weirdly so that he could chuck a small glare at his husband.


Punz teased, pulling Dream's hair back a little bit more so that he could fully see his face, kissing his forehead softly.


Dream breathed out, feeling the heat rise in his cheeks as he tried to get his eyes to focus on Punz, though all he could really do is make himself look silly while Punz admired him.

"What? Is it so bad to kiss my husband?"

Punz finally let go of Dream's hair, not missing the way that Dream sighed in relief before planting apologetic kissies all over Dream's hair, exhilarated with the way that Dream was now giggling.

"You're such an idiot.."

Dream muttered, lips unconsciously pursuing themselves so that they can get a kiss, feeling quite left out.

"Says the one who looks like they want another kiss,"

Punz stretched his neck a little bit so that he could place a quick kiss onto Dream's lips, satisfied with the way that Dream seemed to untense slightly at the affection.

"Oh my goodness, just come here already!"

Dream huffed as he finally got his neck out of the slightly uncomfortable position, getting up on his knees so that he could turn around and face Punz directly, phone being tossed behind him.

"How's the view up there?"

Punz teased, hands going to comfortably rest on Dream's sides, slowly rubbing his hands up and down in a comforting way.

Dream just scoffed and cupped Punz's face before diving down for another kiss, and another one, and another one.

And they kissed until Punz had to forcefully pull away.

Their chests heaved as they finally got some air into their lungs, having been overwhelmed by the pure amount of love they felt for each other.

"I demand more kissies with an extra large side of cuddles,"

Punz joked, watching a fond smile come across Dream's face as he went to put his face between Punz's collarbone and neck.

"Of course baby,"

Word Count: 798

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