Bedtime Sucks (Dreambur)

815 27 2

Made on: 27th of August 2021
Published: 13th of September 2021

This chapter has age regression 🍂

Wilbur giggled as he readjusted the blanket over him, making sure that it protected his shoulders from the slight chills in the living room.

The moon shone through the cracks of the curtain beautifully as stars accompanied it in it's venture to be lighting up the sky piece by piece.

The couch below him was a comfortable red velvet, not too bright and loud but also not too quiet and shy, a perfect balance.

'Scooby Doo' was playing on the TV screen in front of him, it was one of his favourite shows.

Wilbur wasn't exactly sure where Dream had gone but he didn't have the mind to really care, too enraptured in the show.

The sound of footsteps alerted him as he snapped his head behind him, seeing Dream leaning against the door frame with an all too fond look on his face.


Wilbur cheered, patting the space on the couch next to him, thinking that Dream was going to join him.

"I would love to join you's time to sleep angel,"

Dream cracked a grin by the way that Wilbur dramatically groaned and tipped his head back, arms going to cover his face.

"Come onnn, you agreed that you would be a good boy and go to sleep when Daddy told you to,"

Dream explained, slowly getting off from where he was leaning onto the doorframe and walked over to the couch, intending to grab the remote and pause the show.


Wilbur whimpered, forming a pouty lip and crossing his arms.

"I love you dearly angel, but you promised,"

Dream reminded, sitting down next to Wilbur and unravelling his arms so that he could see his eyes.

"But wanna stay upppp,"

Wilbur whined, going to place his head on top of Dream's shoulder and looping his arms around Dream's torso.

"Didn't Daddy say it's your bedtime?"

Dream used his stern voice, it was something that Wilbur both loved and hated.

It was something so nice to hear since it kept him in place but he hated when he couldn't get his way.

Wilbur huffed and just burrowed his face further into the crook of Dream's neck.

"Who makes the rules angel?"

Dream teased, pushing his head against Wilbur's to try and get an answer out of him.


Wilbur whispered, still pouty.

"Anddd, who does angel listen to?"
"Answer the question angel,"

Dream grinned as he watched the way that Wilbur's cheeks flushed, he never was that big on the whole 'punishing' your little when they did something bad.

So he would use gentle reminders instead, using fear to control your little and their actions isn't something he would ever consider. The author is also a caregiver and she can confidently say that yes, you aren't supposed to use fear as a way to control your little.

"Sooo, if Daddy makes the rules and angel has to listen to Daddy, whose bedtime is it?"

Dream smirked, slowly pulling Wilbur into his lap.

Wilbur grumbled nonsense under his breath as he was curled up in Dream's lap, body sideways against Dream's chest.

But...he wasn't going to stop bratting so easily.

"Daddy's bedtime!"

Wilbur said proudly, putting his index finger in the air as if he was making a statement.

Dream sighed and internally facepalmed, he hide his nose in Wilbur's locks as he pulled him closer.

"Oh my goddd, we're going to sleep now,"

Dream sighed, he had to learn how to be stricter with Wilbur.

Word Count: 598

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