In public? (Karlnotfound)

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Made on: 20th of August 2021
Published: 30th of August 2021

this chapter has age regression 🌻

Suggested by: mcytbooks

covid doesn't exist in this chapter ✨

Karl smiled as he looked through the mall, hand linked together with George's.

"Oooo, look! They have new clothes, we need to get you out of that old grey hoodie,"

Karl scrunched his nose when he mentioned the hoodie, it was a gift that Dream had given George, and something George refused to throw out because 'it would be rude'.

"Hey! It was a gift, it would be rude to throw out a gift!"

George bumped the side of his hip softly with Karl's as they walked around aimlessly, giggling silently when he heard the offended gasp pop out of Karl.

"Don't bump into me! I'm fragile, I could fall and then you'll have to help me up and deal with my sobbing,"

Karl dramatically leaned onto George and placed the back of his hand onto his forehead, smirking when he heard the familiar embarrassed scoff.

"Ugh, only because I know you'd sob in the middle of the freaking mall,"

George moaned out, rolling his eyes from behind his clout glasses. Karl had no shame, complete opposite of George.

"You know me so well,"

Karl cooed, booping George's nose before tugging him harshly to start walking again, wanting to explore more of the mall before the sun set.

"Sadly I do,"

George grumbled, shoulders sulking as he caught up to Karl's pace.


"Hmm... I think we need to go now sweetheart, the sun is going to set in like an hour-ish and it took us twenty minutes to even get here and I wanna pick up dinner on the way home."

George huffed, pulling out his phone and seeing the time was 17:00 PM.

"Ughhh, let's at least check out the toy shop!"

Karl whined, they had practically passed every store in the mall three times already but they had nothing better to do. (Their unedited YouTube videos beg to differ)

"Oh my goodness..I really gotta learn how to say no to you,"

George huffed, placing a kiss on Karl's shoulder before he was yanked into the toy store, promptly getting a headache before he steadied himself on his feet.

"Alrighty, you come with me!"

His relief was cut short when he was suddenly yanked again through the aisles, getting short amounts of time to pet and admire the variety of stuffed toys before he was being yanked again.

Suddenly, they stopped, George was a mixture of confusion and slight fear.

He was obviously relieved that he could finally catch his breath, but confused on why Karl had stopped so suddenly.

He peeked his head over Karl's shoulder and saw him looking at a duck, a quite fluffy one at that.

"Baby, you good?"

George asked worried when Karl didn't move for a little, but the realization instantly hit him when he saw the way that Karl's eyes locked on the duck.

"Aww, does someone want the ducky?"

George asked, voice hushed since he doesn't wanna attract the attention of other shoppers, even if the cashier wasn't paying attention to anything and there wasn't anyone else in the store.

It was really for Karl's anxiety to not being 'found out' in public.

"Yes please baba, 'm want it real bad,"

Karl pleaded, turning around with puppy eyes as he stooped down to George's height.

"Only because you've been such a good baby,"

George teased, wrapping his hands around Karl's neck and dotting kisses all over his face, avoiding his lips since that was a pretty 'intimate' place to kiss for them.

Karl smiled and nudged his head into the crook of George's neck as a silent thank you, George gladly taking the hug in stride.

George handled the duck stuffie with care as he held it in his hands, bringing in Karl to hug him closer to his chest.

"Alright, I'm gonna get it because you've been good, but you gotta wear the hoodie because we don't have strangers find out you're a baby boy okay?"

'The hoodie' was something that George tied around his waist every time they went out, he would lie and say that it was because he was cold but he knew how easy it was for Karl to slip in public.

Karl bit his lip in a pouty manner but obliged, clumsily untying the hoodie and whining when he got some trouble.

"Lemme help baby,"

George soothed, kissing Karl's hairline before he removed the hoodie from around his waist and slipping it onto Karl's taller body.

"Good boy now I'm gonna go buy it, you stay by my side and make sure to not let go of my hand,"

George instantly gently snatched Karl's hand into his own as he tugged him behind him, duck in hand.

"Hello there! I'd like to buy this duck please,"

George smiled and placed the duck on the counter, thumb rubbing on the back of Karl's hand in an act of relaxation.

The cashier lazily got up and scanned the duck, the sound of chewing bubble gum floating through the air during the transaction.

"Alright, have a good day and please leave the shop now, we're gonna be closing in like ten-ish minutes,"

The cashier's tired voice alerted George as he grabbed the duck and tugged Karl out of the shop, mushing their bodies together as they walked out of the mall entirely.

The hot and scorching atmosphere of the outside was a huge contrast to the cold and soft atmosphere of the mall, Karl resented it while George bathed in it.

George was small and thin, he didn't really have that much protection from the cold weather.

And Karl was much taller and definitely had just a tiny bit of tummy on him, not enough to be noticeable in the loose shirts he wore but it was there.

"You did such a good job baby, such a good boy,"

George praised, taking the hood off of Karl's head and dotting little kissies all over his face.

"Thank you baba,"

Karl giggled, voice hushed.

"Don't thank baba baby boy, baba's just being nice,"

George lightly scolded, boundaries and trust was something that George was slowly teaching Karl about.

"Home time now,"

Karl said, it sounded like more of a statement than the question it was supposed to be.

"Home time baby boy,"

George reassured, snaking his arm around Karl's waist and giving him one last kiss to his head before they walked towards their car.

Word Count: 1095

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