Sleepy (PLATONIC Techno + Dream)

868 29 15

Made on: 15th of August 2021
Published: 23rd of August 2021

This chapter has age regression 🌺

muscular age regressers are so valid <3

also it's platonic, so fuck off people who want to say i'm shipping them

Techno hummed as he felt someone cup his face delicately, leaning into the touch subconsciously.

"Hi there buddy, feeling a little sleepy?"

The honey-coated voice asked, it was so recognizable to Techno, yet he couldn't quite put his finger on exactly who it was.

He felt the soft skin rub against his face as he nodded, his piglin ears twitching in contentment.

"Awww poor babyyy, I think we need to go night night hm?"

A crooked smile came across his face as he heard the sugar dusted words fill his ears sweetly, he could finally recognize the voice who whispered the doting words to him.

It was Dream, how couldn't he have recognized him before?

Whatever, it didn't matter anyway, all he needed right now was for Dream to care for him.

"There we go baby boy, I think someone needs his paci hm?"

Dream teased, kneeling in front of the much more stoic and tough looking man, who was also sat on a couch he didn't even remember firstly sitting on.

Techno was always much more physically stronger looking than Dream, choosing to use his muscles against foes in battles instead of the various small knives or other weapons that Dream prefers to use.

He also likes to keep his slim form for running and parkour.

It was cute honestly, seeing such a highly respectable man smile and nod like a puppy for such a simple pleasure like a paci.

"Alrighty sweetheart, you want papa to carry you or can my big boy walk?"

Even if Dream loved it when he got to carry Techno, he was just as exhausted from their sparring sessions.

They had gotten just a bit carried away and pushed their body's limits to the max, which is why Techno could barely even keep his eyes open.

"Wanna walk.."

Techno muttered, it was a transparent lie, even Dream could see that with his delirious brain.

"You can't walk baby boy, how about this. Papa carries you to the bathtub and you get bubbles and if you're a really good boy, you could get the star paci hm?"

The star paci was like a reward that Techno got at the end of the day, it acted as some sort of motivation for Techno to keep on pushing himself to new limits everytime, it even has a little bit of glitter in it!

Dream didn't even wait for an answer, he could easily predict the way that Techno's head and eyes would instantly perk up and he would hold his arms up in the air, eagerly waiting for Dream to swoop him up.

And as always, he was right.

It was uncomfortable and slightly more tiring than he had originally anticipated, but they eventually fell into a rhythm.

Sadly, Dream couldn't cradle him in his arms like he usually would, seeing as he was too tired, so they had to settle for practically throwing Techno onto Dream's back and hoping it would suffice.

Techno's eyes constantly slipped shut as the sleepy pair practically trudged to the bathroom, and the only thing that kept him awake was his beloved star paci.

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