Fireworks (Karlwastaken)

846 29 37

Made on: 15th of September 2021
Published: 23rd of September 2021

dream - dog hybrid (golden retriever)
karl - bunny hybrid (Cashmere Lop)

(idk accurate height differences so just vibe with the heights i chose)

karl - 5'8
dream - 6'9 😏

Karl was a sensitive enough person and the fact that he was a bunny hybrid wasn't helping.

He hated fireworks with a passion especially since his stupid ears were so sensitive to sound, he obviously didn't hate his ears all the time, but whenever there was some sort of celebration..he wished he had small and cute puppy ears like Dream.

He obviously didn't hate his ears that much, they gave him an advantage that most bigger animals didn't get.

They made him look small and helpless which got him many discounts, but he also especially hated how much they got caught on random objects.


"It's okay sweetheart, the fireworks aren't gonna hurt you,"

Dream loosely comforted, holding a certain bunny hybrid in his lap and engulfing him with his arms.

Karl's least favourite celebration was forth of July, not because of the meaning, but just the way that people celebrate.

So. Many. Goddamn. Fireworks.

Karl whimpered and curled up into Dream's chest a little bit more as he heard another firework set off in the distance, the sound rattling around in his head.

Dream huffed as his tail swayed anxiously, one arm holding Karl as another was carding through his hair.

He bounced Karl around in his arms as if he was a baby bunny, kissing him gently on the side of his head.

His head tipped back against the bed head as a huff of air escaped his lips, a pool of anxiety and fear pooling in his stomach as he felt the way that Karl flinched, small cotton tail twitching against his leg.

"Dreammmmm, I don't like the f'reworks,"

Karl nuzzled his face into the soft fabric of Dream's plain white shirt, the slight stain of his tears being the only residue on his shirt.

"I know honey, wanna watch something to drown out the sounds?"

Dream asked, voice breathy as he watched Karl squirm in his place, as if he was trying to mush his body with Dream's.

"Yes please..."

Karl whispered against Dream's collarbone, feeling his body be treated like glass as Dream reached over to the nightstand to get his phone, calloused fingers wrapping around the device.

"Whatchu wanna watch honeybuns?"

Dream asked, voice sweet like caramel encased in sugar as the words flowed through Karl, sweetening his mood as well as his emotions.

A fond smile came across his face as his head became floaty at the nickname, ears completely ignoring the sound of a firework igniting in the distance, his tail being the only thing responding to the sound.

"Maybe Glass Animals? Their videos are always pretty nice,"

Karl mumbled, floppy ears perking up just slightly at the mention of the band, it was one of his favourites.

"Of course baby, get comfy okay?"

Dream cooed, finally putting on his phone and deciding to also get some headphones, prompting to just cover Karl's other ear with his larger hand.

Word Count: 537

this chapter is short because you are short >:)

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