Chapter 1

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Carson Niles

"Carson you did not finish the dishes, do the laundry, clean the house and mow the grass! Get off your ass now and get it done or you will be punished!" His father yelled at him.

"Dad I am doing my homework for school."

"I do not care your chores are more important boy, get them done NOW! And do not ever talk back to me."

Carson angrily gets up and pushes his chair into the wall behind him goes to the sink and washes the dishes by hand. Heaven for bid he gets to put them into the dishwasher that he is not allowed to use. Once he is finished with that he moves onto the other chores on his list and does them fairly quickly so that he can get back to his homework.

He hears a dreadful scream coming from outside and runs to the back door where he hears the sound. He sees his mom on the ground clinching her stomach and then there's a bone crunching sound coming from her face as he watches his father punch her in the face. He just stands there and watches with a smirk on his face knowing that is what she gets for doing the same thing to him.

"You Son of a Bitch keep your hands to your self." She yells at her husband.

She looks back at Carson who is smirking at her and runs towards to her son opens the screen door and body slams into him punching on him.

"If you would have done the house work like you were supposed to I would not have gotten these beatings, you bastard." She tells him with every punch, hit, and kick she makes on him. He takes the beatings per usual and when his mother was finished beating him his father started in on him. He could not catch a break from either of his parents. He did not understand why his dad was angry all the time from the time he woke up to the time he went to bed and sometimes he would get abused during g the night for no reason.

Carson swore up and down to GOD that he would never do this to his wife and family. He would walk away until they both calmed down and come back together and talk the problem out. He hated being at home around his family and could not careless if either one were to parish and never to be found.

After he graduated high school he left his home in North Carolina and moved to California. He went to UCLA and partied with the best of them had many girlfriends. He drank all the time and did drugs of all kinds but graduated at the top of his class. He does not know how he did it but he did.

A few months after he graduated he had a job with a promising future then he met his future. His wife, but he had to get to know her before making her his wife. He remembers the promise that he made not so long ago and wanted to hold onto that promise.

He ditched his habits of drinking and drugs and got cleaned. He did not reveal his not so long ago past history to her and probably never would as he was moving forward to something better. He got rid of his old friends and started making new ones that were more positive and lived the lives as christians.

"Hey I have never seen you here before what's your name?" He asks a pretty dark haired girl."I have been here for two months you must not pay attention to what or who is around you." She replied sarcastically.

"Huh, little sarcastic are we darling?"

"Got a problem with that because I sure don't, and that so called pick up line does not work with me."

"Wow, I have never been turned on by a pretty little thing like you before. How about we go out on a date?"

"Hah, I don't think so and before you ask why, you're not my type bud."

"Okay, I'll bite, what has made you so hard and mean the way you are?"

"I really do not think it is any of your concern for one and two I said no. So you need to move a long and find someone else."

Rebekka walked off and went about her day. She just started working at the coffee shoppe four months ago when she graduated college. She was in the process of looking for a full time job. She likes her job but hates the jerks that come in and try to hit on her.

Rebekka was off the next day and Carson walks in whistling a seductive tune while scanning the coffee shoppe looking for the girl he saw yesterday. To his dismay he did not see her but ordered a black coffee to go and left. He thought he would come everyday to see if she would even budge going out with him. He never had any problems getting women to fall for him and into his bed.

He could not figure out why she was not into him and blowing him off like she was. She proving to be a challenge and a challenge is what he up for and Rebekka was providing a good chase for him.

The next day she is working and sees Carson walking into the shoppe. She looks at her co-worker who looked to see who it was and looked back at Rebekka.

Star walked by her, "He came in yesterday and was not happy that you were not here. Make him happy when he comes to talk to you it's good for business," then walks away.

Rebekka was shooting daggers into Star's back and killing her with threatening looks. She did not want to look at this stupid idiot walking towards her.

"What can I get you, sir?"

"A cup of you," he says with a quirky smile.

Rebekka just rolled her eyes and poured a cup of black coffee with cream and handed it to him. She did not care if he did not drink it or not she just wanted to get him out of her sight.He took a sip of his coffee and spat it out onto her. She jumped back in time so she did not have to have disgusting spit on her from an irritating customer who kept harassing her.

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