Chapter 9

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Answered Questions

The next night came and they went out on a really nice date. It was not at a restaurant or anything too fancy but he took the time and made arrangements to a local winery with a picnic basket with food and wine. He goes and picks her up before six in the evening.

"Where are we going tonight?"

"Surprise, you will have to see once we get there."

The ride was a little quiet as he did not know what to say about he questions that were raised from the night before nor did he know what to say about his mothers behavior.

" beat mom and I when I was growing up and mom also beat me up while I was a child until I could leave the house. I vowed that I would not be like them specially my father. I hate them both very much."

This comes as a shock to Rebekka but she lets him talk it out hoping that he would answer all her questions she had asked him the night before.

"Mom hit you was no accident I know that and she probably did it get arrested and put away for life. She is sick in the head just like dad is and she has had so many broken bones through out her entire body. So, yeah she did it on purpose to get out of the marriage and out of the house. No, I do not love her nor do I love him. They both abused me, it was; verbally, physically, mentally, emotionally, as well as sexual abuse."

"Shit, we can take him in and build a case against him to put him away for life as well."

"Why? I left them when I turned eighteen."

"Why? Because there is not Statute of Limitations as this is a criminal offense."

"I don't want to bring up the past."

"Really? The past? It seams to me that your dad gave you a beating when we were there the other night. It's evident that I see your black eyes, bruised arms, jaw...need I say more?"

"No, you don't and yes I could be I am just trying to be the better person here."

"Huh, really? No, you are not the bigger person here, you are letting it happen and not stopping it. You can break it, the cycle you know. Isn't that what you want to do, break it, end it?"

He just sighs knowing Rebekka is right that if he does not do this and take legal action against his father and mother where will it end. She could get more than twenty years probably life and dad could get life in prison. He ponders over it for a little bit but tonight it's all about her and not this.

He arrives at the winery and leads her underneath a tree where he has it all set up with lights and a blanket set on the ground. He takes out a couple pillows and has her sit down while opening a bottle of wine. He pours the wine into glasses and takes out some fruit and cheese to eat.

They sit and chit chat some more about his past. This is the first time he has opened up about his past to anyone in his life. He did not tell her about him raping anyone in his past as that was insignificant he thought.

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