Chapter 3

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Lies All Lies

The police were making their rounds and saw a car drop a young teenager off at a corner of the street in downtown Corona area. It is less than a good place for anybody let alone a high school teenager.

They turn around and stop at her side seeing she is just standing there crying and clothes torn to bits. The police at first think she is a hooker and planning on taking her into the station to have her processed as they do so many to try and get them off the streets.

When they got out of their vehicle they walked up to her talking to her but she did not answer them back. One of the officers called for back up and an ambulance to come to the scene. The other officer walks in front of the young girl and approaches her looking at her in her eyes trying to get a feeling for what is happening.

"Miss, I am Sergeant LaCross and I am here to help you, could you please tell me your name at least?"

"Umm..I..umm...Leslie Shelby," is all she could say between sobs.

"Ok, Ms. Shelby we are going to take you to the hospital but in the meantime is there anyone who we can call for you?"

"Mom, you can call my mom."

"I'll have one of my guys do that. Are you related to Jakub Shelby, the fire commissioner?"

"Yes, he's my father and my brother is officer Jacobie Shelby."

"They both are on their way and we have an officer in pursuit of the person who dumped here.""Thank you sergeant."

Leslie goes to the hospital her brother rides with her and her father, mother and baby sister meets them at the local hospital. She is traumatized by the days events that has happened this evening. She hopes she never has to see that Carson buy again.

"I was hoping he'd be a better person than that but we will prosecute him to the fullest to where he cannot do this to any girl every again baby, I promise you this." Her father tells her with tears welling up behind those baby blue eyes of his.

He gets on the phone and calls a friend who is a really smart attorney that can prosecute any case anywhere in the world.

"Hello, this is Fire Commissioner Jakub Shelby, I need your help prosecuting a person of interest who raped my daughter tonight."

"I'm on my way will be there in a few hours."

"Thanks a lot, I know you can get the job done."

"Hey it's no problem really."

His personal attorney comes to Jakubs work and he gets the full details of what had happened from the night before. He gets all the information that is needed from the Hospital and the attending nurses and doctors. Then heads over to the police station and gets the police reports that were taken and looks at the boy. He is only seventeen but he is going to do everything he can to charge him as an adult and put it on his permanent record.

The court date comes and the attorney is there with Leslie and her family. Leslie feels very uncomfortable and wishes she did not have to be there. Her brother is sitting by her side to her right and their attorney is to their left. He makes her feel safe and leaves everything in his hands.The day in court was very long and their attorney got justice for the Shelby family and hopefully saves other girls and women's lives now and in the future. Carson got dinged for rape in the first degree, dumping a teenager on the curbside in the middle of the night in a not so nice neighborhood and for auto theft.

Carson was put on the stand and questions after questions were asked if he did any of the horrid things he was being accused of. He would lie under oath each time but both attorneys new that he had been lying because he was forced to take lie detector test and Leslie's attorney is going to use that against him and trap him.

Carson did end up entrapping himself since he could not remember what he had said the night of the rape. He was pissed because his attorney did not help him get out of his situation like he was supposed to but instead helped him to incriminate himself on the witness stand which he was really good at.

Since the trial only took one day it did not take long for the judge or jury to convict Carson of the acts that he had done. Carson was hacked off to say the least and no longer trusted people around him that were attorneys.

Carson was tried as an adult and had to do community work, detail work at an automotive store, then work for free at a repair shop. On top of all that he had to go through counseling for being an abusive person for two years while going to college.

After high school Leslie decides to move far away from where she was to go to school, and so did her brother. They moved to Scotland where their attorney resides most of the time and went to college there. She and her brother lived in a small house on the outskirts of the town but soon realized that the people were all shifters. It did not bother them as they both found their mates and moved in with them.

Jacobie was mated to a warrior and became a shifter warrior as well and was in charge of border patrols and training. Leslie was mated to a warrior too and became one herself so that she could fight off any unwanted males, rogues or other nasty shifters.

She did not keep in touch with her best friend but did miss her dearly. She knew one day that they would see each other again when time allowed. But for now she was just as happy to be alive and free from the creep for good.

"Hi Mrs. Shelby how's Leslie doing? I haven't seen or talked to her in a long while." Rebekka asks.

"She's moved away honey and asked not to be contacted by anybody but family."

"I see, please tell her not to shut me out and would like to keep in touch with her. Know what she is doing for college since we're supposed to go to away together. And tell her I said, 'hi' would you please?"

"I sure will dear I am sure she misses you too."

They part ways and Rebekka continues on with her life along with her other friends from school that stuck around. She went to college and decided to become an agent to help the government put away criminals that did drugs and raped and abused innocent girls and women. She not only did this for herself but for her best friend whom she misses very much.

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