Chapter 12

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"Hey Jones can we talk" I said.
"Yeah what's going on" he said.
"Just listen to me about a year ago. On March 25 your dad abused me I was scared I remember that day that I was going to your house to study and see you. You weren't there and he..." I said stoping and crying I couldn't even look at him.
"It's ok I understand. Come here" he said pulling me toward him letting me cry into him.
How can something so bad bring you closer to someone?
"I never told you because it is to hard I don't want you to see me as a victim as someone to be pitied. I can't let you know, I can't talk about it yet"
"Just tell me what he did please I need to know." He said.
"He raped me" I slowly let out.
"......" Jones sighed."I will see you in the morning".
You would think that what he said would hurt me but it didn't he has learned so much about the man he called dad and I know somewhere inside no matter how much he hates his dad he loves him it is his dad. Tomorrow's the day the day his dad can ether plead guilty or not and that is the matter of life and death.

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