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Already two months the new school year has started and I count my days until school ends. Its useless now since the new year has already begun, and 6 months of wearing this scruffy uniform. Every minute I can't stand to be in a class and in this uniform. I itch the thin tights wrapped around my legs and the thick long skirt too small on my waist. Its a nightmare that I can't escape. I balance my blue ballpoint pen to take my mind away from this itchy uniform, bored out of my mind waiting for the new homeroom teacher. I glance at my silver watch as I hear the clock tick, each time one arrow moves then another.

They're late.

As expected since we've had many homeroom teachers get replaced due to their absences or lateness. They're reason better be good this time. I bring my head down, resting my chin on the wooden desk as I play with chain on my watch. By far these few months, I haven't talked to anyone and nobody is willing to talk to me anyway. I am fine with it since I don't need to talk to anyone and no group project has been assigned yet.

I hear the door clung open. The homeroom teacher looks like a wreck. His tie was loose and his white shirt wasn't tucked in neatly. It seemed like he walked through the pouring rain from his hair being soaked. He was out of breath and didn't look up at us but opened his messenger bag, taking out piles of paper and stacking it on the right of his desk.

"Go..Good morning class!" He finally spoke up as he catched his breath. He cleared his throat, fixing his blue striped tie.

"I am your new homeroom teacher for the rest of the year." He looked at everyone one of us with a welcoming smile. He turned to face the chalkboard and wrote his name down quickly. "I am Mr.Hoosung. Please respect the rules that were set by your previous homeroom teacher that has left due to personal reasons." He clicked the chalk back in place and wiped off his hands. "Today class, We will be-" The telephone interrupted him and immediately picked it up. His eyebrows raised as he heard what was said and nodded. "Class, stay put. I'll be back soon." He commanded and rushed out the door.
What was that about?

Its been 20 minutes since he left. Was he in trouble? Did something happen? I'm curious. I saw the figure of Mr.Hoosung outside the door, talking to someone. He then opened the door and someone followed behind him. Both stood in front of the class.

It's a boy, a white haired boy. Everyone stared and was confused about this boy the teacher brought in.

"Everyone, this is Kaworu Nagisa. The new student who transferred today. Please give a warm welcome to our new student, class."  Ms.Hoosung introduced. The boy waved at the class, he had a slight grin on his lips and his eyes were dark. He was strange, a boy with naturally white hair? I've never seen such a thing. But it was interesting to look at. His hair was fluffy, like a fox. His shirt was baggy as well was his jeans that sagged down a bit.

"Hello, everyone. I'm glad to be here." His eyes scanned the room but his eyes stopped onto mine. I felt myself jump a little to that sudden glance. He didn't stop staring, I didn't know what to do other than look away. His stare.. It was like my surroundings faded slowly away, I felt a sudden feeling of comfort. Is that normal?

"Nagisa, take a seat in the middle row next to Y/N." Mr.Hoosung pointed directly at me. Oh no..

He's doing this on purpose, isn't he? I felt myself get a high feeling of adrenaline and nervousness. He nodded and walked slowly pass the last row. I looked down at my desk, propping up my arm to rest my head on. I could feel the vibration on the floor as he walked up to me and turned. Even if he's two feet away from me, I could feel him get closer to me.

As Mr.Hoosung begun his lesson, I finally loosened up and looked up at the chalkboard. Dont mind him, y/n.. focus.

I could feel his seat get closer to me. From the corner of my eye i would see his head turn to me every so often. Even if I was looking up at the chalkboard, his gaze would distract me. How does a white haired boy even enter this school? Hair-dye is prohibited. How can it be natural? Is he some alien? He must've had a hard time proving to the council members that its his natural hair color. As I got distracted with my own thoughts the bell rang right after.

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