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We walked inside his room. It smelt like rosemary and old books. It was unusually calming. But his room seemed simple, a wooden a desk and one small bed. No posters, no decorations but then again, there were boxes shoved in a corner.

"Sorry, my room is a little messy." He chuckled and laid down on his bed, scooting over for a spot for me.

"Uh, are you sure.. I mean.." I felt myself heat up a bit.

"Yes, I'm sure. Now lay down." He made some space in his bed and fluffed up my pillow. I couldn't say a thing, my whole body felt frozen.

"Whatcha waiting for? Hop in!" He laid down and closed his eyes. I mumbled to myself and slowly got in. I felt my heartbeat quicken. Can he hear how loud my heartbeat is? Its silent in the room, I can only hear the rain patter against the window.

"Are you .. nervous, Y/N?" He spoke right next to me up close. I felt myself jitter and become a stuttering mess.

"Are you sick from the rainfall? Here, let me warm you up." He told me and I felt his warm arms wrap around my waist. I couldn't take it no more, I think I'll explode. I quickly got out of the bed and walked out. How embarrassing.. I can't even be next to him. What has gotten into me? Why am I feeling like this??

I rushed to the restroom and looked in the mirror. My hair was tangled in the back and my face was red as a tomato. I groaned and washed my face with cold water.

You can fight this off Y/N.. He is only a boy and your classmate.

As soon as I turned to open the door, someone knocked on the door. Of course he was going to follow me! I collected myself and opened the door.

"Y/N.. I am so sorry." He didn't look at me in the eyes. he was embarrassed too?

"Please forgive me for what I did. I.. let my emotions control me.. again." He facepalms and shook his head slowly. He was disappointed in himself.

"You don't need to apologize. It was nice that you .. c-cared about me." I came off confident but ended up being embarrassed.

We both looked at each other, not knowing what to do. The pale boy's cheeks lit up red. I've never seen them so dark red.

"I.."He spoke. I was relieved he said something.

"I like you more than I thought I did."

His eyes widen after what he just said. I felt myself weaken by those words. My heartbeat was as fast as a hummingbird by now. He likes me..? Me?

"Oh god.. I'm sorry. I.." He looked at the ground and was about to run off from embarrassment but I grabbed his hand before he fled. I don't know why, I wanted him to stay. I mean, where could he go? This is his house I'm staying in.

His head was down but I could still see his face hot red.

"Do you have feelings for me?" I blurted out. He nodded slowly but still hiding his face.

"I..I never knew.." I could feel myself melt slowly as I let go of his hand.

"I love you so much.. I cant take it anymore." His voice cracked as he spoke. But why me? He could've picked any person from school but he picked me.

"I was.. drawn to you. I-I didn't want to be with anyone else but you." I never knew Kaworu would be a stuttering mess.

"lately it seems like all my heart does is pound when im with you." He chuckled to himself and looked at me. His eyes began to wonder around the room, not holding eye contact.

"Im sorry for telling you so sudden and.. randomly. But-" His words were muffled as i pulled him to my lips. I kissed him. I couldn't hold the urge back anymore. Is this love that I'm feeling? The warmth from his lips was welcoming, it made me want to not let go. He finally softened up as he reached for the back of my head, holding it with care and carefulness. He pressed hard against me, I could feel his bottom lip twitch from nervousness. We gasped for air but our heads were still close, we both know we don't want this to end.

" heart is beating so fast." He gave a dry chuckle. He was breathing heavily even though the kiss lasted two minutes it seemed.

"its almost as if your touching a part of my heart that has never been touched before." He whispered as he drew closer to me, his voice sounded like warm milk on a fresh cold morning. He looked in my eyes intensely. I could see his lips shaking, eager to kiss me again. I noticed he was getting closer slowly. His warm lips attach to mine again. I could feel myself get too attached by him.

i want him.
i need him.
i love him.

I finally realized that it was love all along. These feelings I'll only feel for him.
i could feel kaworu's warm hands go down my waist to my hand. he caressed my hand and our hands intertwined together. As he pressed up against me, I felt his pounding heartbeat, it was so loud and clear like it was spilling its feelings out. My hands rested on his waist, tugging his cotton white t shirt slowly, I could feel him shiver as i touched his waist carefully. I was burning up completely. I never knew this would happen. It was strange and was something I wasn't used to. I never been this close to someone before. But i like this new feeling, it makes me eager for more, the sudden urge of wanting to touch him.

But it seemed too long so we separated and ending up staring into each other's eyes. His, a light shade of hazel with gold fleeks. He didn't want to separate so he fell onto the crevice of my neck, tracing my cravicle slowly. I am practically melting from his touch that a odd noise escapes my lips.

"I love you too much." He spoke, snuggling into my neck. "But .. why me? you could've had anyone who is better than me at school." i confessed. Kaworu lifted his head immediately and took both of his hands and smushed my cheeks.

"Stop thinking like that! That'll lead you no where!" He shook my head from side to side. I giggled at his cuteness and grabbed both of his arms.

"I love you, Kaworu." I finally said. I don't what made me get the courage to say that but it left him speechless. His cheeks slowly heated up. His flustered face is really cute.

"Don't just say that randomly.." He looked away, knowing his face is heated up. I wanted to see his flustered face even more. I now know i am the only person who has seen this side of him.

"I want to see more of this side of you." I whispered softly as I slowly wrapped my arms around his waist behind him. He became frozen.

"you make me go insane." his breathing hitches as I move closer behind him. I could feel himself twitch I moved closer.

"Y/N .. We should get some sleep." His voice cracked as he spoke. Is he really this nervous?

"I-Im sorry, Im getting ahead of myself. Let's get some rest." I removed my hands from his waist but suddenly he grabbed my hand and walked out of the bathroom, dragging me with him. Seems like he didn't want to let go just yet. We came back into his bedroom and walked over to his bed.

"I know it's a lil small for two people but i promise its comfortable!" He yawned and stretched and slowly got into bed. he turn towards me as I got in. I could feel the warmth fill me as I settled down. I felt so .. protected, safe. He rested his hand on my hair, slowly caressing it. He was so gentle and warm it made me fall asleep within seconds. I wanted today to last forever.

 𓂅⚘ਂ perfect peace ਂ⚘ 𓂅  kaworu x reader  ♡ᵎᵎᵎ Where stories live. Discover now