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The week passed by so quickly that by a blink, Friday has begun. Another day sitting in same boring homeroom and waiting for our late teacher to come. Instead of focusing on the learning, I noticed kaworu doesn't talk much to the other students. Some girl students come up to him to greet him but he never came up to anybody and have a conversation. Did he come up to me because our seats are close? It cant be, he hasn't talked to anyone but me. but me.

What is so interesting about me that makes him follow me around like a lost puppy?

Im back in our homeroom but Kaworu isn't here. Its the last day of the first week. He usually is here on time, probably the first one here but today his seat is empty. Wonder where he is.. but then again, i can have my time alone not talking to anybody and doing my own thing. I should savour this time, who knows when ill have another time alone like this.

Mr.Hoosung came in two minutes after I came and was surprisingly on time. How odd. But its only the first week so maybe he had a little delay because he is a new teacher? Today he doesn't look like crap, but wore a business suit and his hair was combed neatly. I did not expect this on the last day of the week.

As Mr.Hoosung began his lesson, where he starts by attendence. I began to question where he was. Maybe he is absent due to personal problems? Unwell? No, that cant be. He was hyper yesterday like he always is.

I raise my hand for attendance meaning kaworu's is going to be next. But as soon as I dropped my hand the door swung open which made everyone jump.

"I am so sorry I am late, Mr.Hoosung! Please forgive me, my train was delayed." He apologized and was panting. His hair was tangled it seemed and was sweating profusely. He walked to his seat, ignoring everyone's stares. His bag was filled, which is unusual because kaworu's bag is always empty or maybe have a few books.

"No worries, actually, you're right on time, kaworu."

"Glad I ran." He chuckled to himself, wiping the sweat off his forehead. He leaned back on his chair, and threw his head back. I could see his pointy jawline, his lips part and the sweat leaks down his neck. His sweat looks... beautiful.

Ah! What am i saying?! Why am I even staring at him when Mr.Hoosung is teaching?

Kaworu turned his head a little to the side to glance at me but he caught him already looking at him. I quickly turned my head, pretending I wasn't just staring at him. But Kaworu was surprised. He then turned around like he was the one caught staring.

As our teacher spoke, the more awkward the distance between us was. The bell rang faster than I expected. A sudden joy filled my body as I grabbed my tin box and buttoned up my dark coat.

"Going to eat outside again? You'll get sick eating in the cold." Kaworu tone in hid voice was gentle but also concerned for me.

"I have always eaten outside. Its peaceful."

"Ill join along then!" He walked behind me as we walked down to where the benches were. Instead of kaworu just following me around, watching me eat, he brought his grey messenger bag with him.

"What do you have in there? I thought you weren't hungry in the afternoons." I teased.

"You never know when your hungry or not." He answered, his breath was a little shaky after he spoke. I could hear it loud and clear. He opened up his bag slowly and grabbed a red tin box out. He actually
brought lunch? What a surprise.

"Uh-" He spoke, he wasn't looking at me but instead on the ground.

"Since these past few days you were so greatful of giving me some of your lunch. I thought .. I could give you something in return." He jittered as he spoke. My eyebrows raised. Kaworu made his own lunch and handing it to me? So unexpected.

 𓂅⚘ਂ perfect peace ਂ⚘ 𓂅  kaworu x reader  ♡ᵎᵎᵎ Where stories live. Discover now