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It was time to say goodbye, not forever, of course but I still gotta get home or my parents will worry about me staying another night. Kaworu was against it and wouldn't let my hand as I grabbed my coat and shoes.

"C'mon, can't you stay another day? I have your uniform." He pleaded as he stuck to me like glue.

"I wish I could, really. But my parents are worried sick for not coming home. I'll see you at school tomorrow, okay? Don't worry." I cupped his face. I didn't like to see him worry so much about me. His face softened and gave me a smile. That pretty smile that I wanna see everyday. "Yeah, Yeah I know." He mumbled as I held his face, rubbing my thumb across his cheek.

"I just have so much I want to do with you." He spoke, lowering his head. "I wish it was just the two of us, together.. I hope that's not weird to you." He chuckled and rubbed his head. Knowing how he felt, how he felt around me and being with me made me feel like I was the only person he cares for.

"Not at all.. I think it's really sweet, Kaworu. I do.. feel the exact same way. " I felt my whole body steam. He looked flushed after that. "Y,You should get going, Y/N.. Your parents are probably e,expecting you." He stumbled with his words. His eyes scattered everywhere nervously.

"They probably are" I softly laugh. I give him a small peck on his cheek, I could feel how warm he was, his cheeks were like fire. Maybe I'm the first to see him react so flustered and silly.

I finally stepped outside. Still piles of snow lined the sidewalk. I sighed and waved goodbye as I walked slowly in the iced snow. Barely anyone was out and nobody shoved the snow out of the streets. Luckily, my house is only five blocks up near Kaworu's house. I didn't mind walking in the snow and didn't care. My mind just backtracked to the two nights with Kaworu. I've never felt so infatuated with someone.

Just a few nights made my thinking change, my vision is more clear and brighter, it seems my worries have been brushed off, I feel like a feather. Its probably just the grey skies and iced snow. If I think about him too much, I'm going to forget where my house is!

(๑ time skip: monday ๑ )

After a day that seemed too long to begin with, monday begun. As I put on the intolerable uniform, i smelled something different than the same old burnt rubber smell on my skirt, it smelled like when you snuggle into a warm comforter on a cold night, like the undescribable feeling when someone hugs you. It reminded me of Kaworu. He did wash it and dry my uniform after it was soaked my the storm. And because of that, it made me rush to school, to be early just so I can see Kaworu walk in. But he usually doesn't get here too early. But I had the urge to be the one to see him walk in.

I couldn't wait, a smile was plastered on my face, not giving a care about the snow or the uniform today, just about Kaworu. Is that what love does to you? It making me go insane.

As I crossed the street to the school building, my direction went right to the gates where the white headed boy was waiting. He's actually early?
A flutter ran through my body again, that flutter when I first saw him, that flutter that has always stuck with me whenever I was with him. Has he thought the same way as I have? Was he waiting for me?

I rushed to him, his blank expression soon turned into a wide grin. He noticed me right away and came up to me, really close. I could see his cheeks flush as he stares at me.

"K,Kaworu.. Good morning." that was the first words that came out of my small trapped mouth, it came out all jittery and sloppy. Great job, Y/N..

"I missed you." His voice sounded like it was going to break. He wrapped his arms around me immediately, rubbing my back carefully, falling into the curve of my neck, i could feel his warmth breath against my skin. I felt myself twitch.

" I..Missed you too.. a lot." I felt nervous talking to him, i couldn't look at his pretty face without getting jitters. He didn't look anywhere but my eyes. My lips twitch as I lower my head again.

"I couldn't wait either." He soon held me into his grasp, his lips connecting to mine again. Our bodies enteriwine again, My hands slowly caressing his neck, pushing harder against him. He knew what I was thinking, we both couldn't wait to see eachother. That warmth was the only thing I wanted now. Nothing else would beat that.

His warm hands interlocked with mine, his thumb caressing my hand. We both walked into school, feeling like everything changed into a much better perspective. I really didn't want to be with anyone else but Kaworu. Am I too clingy?

As we pranced up to our classroom, we were the first ones here. I could've sworn I saw some other students. But we both got here early with something to accomplish. To see each other.

He turned to me, my heart skipped a beat. The room was silent, only the slight wind that crashed onto the windows was heard.

"So.. Nobody's here, huh." He had a slight grin and rubbed his neck.

"Well, what can we do?" His voice seemed to get quieter as he lumbered over to me.

We both sat down on one of the teacher's desk and he looked up at me. I could see he wanted my attention, his staring was so obvious. Like he always does.

"Why did you come here so early? You're always late." I asked even though I knew the answer I just wanted to hear it from him.

"Because I wanted to see you.. of course." He chuckled, his voice became soother, I could feel his breath creep up on me, giving me chills. He got closer to me, I could hear everything. His pounding heartbeat, his steady breath trying to keep cool, his eyes flicking everywhere.

"Why did you come here so early?" He grinned.

"I think you already know the answer." I grinned back but now, we were face-to-face. His eyes trapped me into his stare. I liked it.

He got closer to him and his eyes flickered to my lips. I leaned forward quickly, holding his head with care and precision. I didn't want to let go, I missed this.

He stopped after an minute and looked up at the clock, he turned anxious.

"Hey, whats wrong?" i asked concerned.
"When does everyone come in? The first bell already rung."

"People are usually late, no one's really early in this classroom." I shrugged and came closer to him, he flinched a bit but then looked back at me. I slowly leaned down and gave him a small peck on his neck, a small gasp escaped his lips. I smirked and leaned in more, putting more pressure. "Y-Y/N.. People will see us.." His voice came out weak. I then backed away.

"S-Sorry.. I went too far.." I chuckled. This is why I should hold back, we're on school grounds for god's sake!

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