
589 29 11

Kaworu's eyes narrowed while looking at me, the sunlight kissed his face gently from the thin green curtains that made the room look pleasant with green lighting as if we were in a fish tank. His eyes studied my face practically, i felt his eyes zoom left to right, eyes to lips, lips to mouth, body to eyes. His pupils turned bigger every second, the light make his brown eyes turn like the color of mocha iced tea. I noticed I was staring at him when I felt his eyes land on me again.

"What should we do now? Nobody's in the school" He sat on one of the front desks, kicking his feet like a child.

"That must mean no school." I groaned, forgetting about the snow and how snow gets school cancelled. "I practically forgot about the snow" He chuckled nervously and then glared at me. "Hey, how about we go sledding?"His raspy voice got higher as  his eyes filled with excitement. I nodded, smiling widely because how could I say no to that cute face?

We ran down the stairs and out the building. It was true, no one was here but us. It was odd how the school's doors were open.

I zipped up my coat and grabbed Kaworu's hand and unexpectedly stopped.

"What is it?" I asked after I stopped myself from tripping from the sudden stop.
"We don't have a sled." His jaw clenched and looked down at the slushy snow. He seemed disappointed which I hated to see.

"Don't worry. I think I have one at home." I leaned closer to him which brought his head up. That cute little grin appeared on his lips. I let out a small giggle. "I'll race ya." I smirked.

"You ready? I am a fast runner, you know. But since it's slippery I'll go a little easy on ya." I scoffed knowing that was a complete lie.

"I'll still beat you, slow or not."

"Wanna bet?" He said as he got a head start and started running down the block.
"Hey! That's not fair! You didn't tell me!" I yelped and ran after him carefully.

It was almost as if we were ice skating as i dragged my feet on the snowy ice. Kaworu was most careful on some blocks because of the slushy snow which helped go ahead of him.

"Last one is a rotten egg!" I yelled as we ran down my block. As we were approaching my house, I saw Kaworu on the corner of my eye.

"Oh no, you don't!" I tried to run faster but my legs felt like slush already. I heard Kaworu's evil laughter as he ran past me. I tried to push my useless legs but as I was looking down at my legs, Kaworu stopped in front of me and fell onto the snow.

"Ow." I let out. I noticed I fell right into the Streets snow. I turned my head and found Kaworu laying right next to me. "Sorry." I whispered as he whinced. "Its fine, At least I didn't hit the concrete." He groaned as he sat up and laughed as he looked at me in the snow.
"Here, let me get you up." He reached out his hand and pulled me up. I dusted off the snow on my legs and looked behind me.

"Hey look, I made a snow angel." I pointed out to Kaworu.

"Sure." He chuckled at the print I made in the snow.

I opened the door to a empty house.

"How did you parents go to work?" He asked as he looked around. The house was silent as we got in. He hugged his body for warmth and padded down his coat at the doormat.

"Our heaters turn off during certain times so sorry about it being a bit cold in here." I added when I noticed he was shivering.

"Its alright, we're only getting a sled." He observed our living room, heading straight to the photo albums. "I'll be in the garage." I chuckled. But as soon as I started walking towards the garage, Mom came up with a mug of coffee. I stood there in shock as my mom put a questionable expression.

"What are you doing here? Are you skipping school?" Mom said sternly as she came up to me. I didn't hear a sound, the house was empty and suddenly she appears.

"Uh."I spat out. Kaworu came out of the living room and looked confused as mom's eyes widened.

"And who is this?" Mom crossed her arms against her chest, waiting for me to explain.

"There's no school because of the snow, which I forgot and came to school. So me and Kaworu were going to go sledding." I explained carefully. Mom softened as I explained to her. "Alright, we have two blue sleds in the back." Mom pointed to the garage. I sighed relieved that she didn't care I had a boy with me and ran to the sleds.

"It's a bit broken but I think we'll manage." I chuckled uneasily.

"Care for a ride?" He grinned as he hugged the sled and carried it to the front door. He placed the sled on the snowy sidewalk and patted a seat for me.

"Are you sure you can pull me?" I crossed my arms but he nodded eagerly.

"All the way to the park?" I asked as my eyebrows raised.

"You gonna get in or not?" I scoffed and got in, the smile on my face grew bigger as he pulled me from street to street.

"This is very kind of you, Kaworu. Are you sure you don't wanna switch?" I asked, kind of feeling bad he's pulling me.

"No, no no! This is my gift for you for being so kind to me." That made my heart melt and form a smile on my face.

"Ok but once we get back, I'm pulling you for a thank - you' " I couldn't stop smiling. Once we made it to the park, already kid's were sledding down the only hill in town. It was steep and perfect these kind of snow days. I got out of the sled and looked at everyone rushing to the hill to sled.

"Race you to the hi, Y/N!" He yelled as he ran over while hugging his blue sled.

"Hey! Wait up!" I laughed as I caught up with him.

He bent down with his hands on his knees, catching his breath.

"I think I twisted my ankle." He laughed as he patted his chest to catch his breath. I hugged him on side, chuckling with him.

"Hey, how about I push you down the hill. You seem pretty tired to do anything else." I patted his back and helped him sit on the sled.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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