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i met his eyes, he moved his hand to mine. he first only touched my pinkie but started going up my hand, caressing softly as like holding something fragile. It watched him, his eyes going up my arm, to my chest, to my stomach and to my legs.

"W..Whats wrong, Kaworu?" I asked, my voice cracked obviously seeing that im nervous.

"I just wanted to.." He started off saying. He shook his head and heat colored his cheeks.

"N.. Nothing..Nevermind.." He says again. I move in closer, trying to meet his eyes as he lowers his head.

"No. Tell me." I commanded. He slapped his hands on his face.

"Its embarrassingg.. no." He shook his head as I giggled.

"You don't have to be shy. Its only me." I wrapped my hands around him, comforting him.

"I just..ugh...I just crave you so much that I can't deny it anymore." He mumbles under his hands. My face went blank but my body reacted to what he said. This has to be a dream..

I took his hands away from him and held his face softly like holding a cute puppy.

"So we feel the same huh." I laid back, he paused for a minute like he was trying to process what happened and laid back with me.

"I'm sorry.. I just still can't believe this is happening. I can't believe I'm next to you and knowing you feel the same." He confesses. A sudden feeling of bliss runs through me.

"so, what made you come up to me?"I asked curiously. I can't seem to shut my trap when I'm around him thats for sure.

"I think you already know." He snickers to himself and turns to face me. "No! I don't know, tell meee!" I giggled and face him. He doesn't answer but looks at me. I follow his eyes, he looked caught in the moment and forgot the question. He takes his fingers and traces my neck, slowly down to my collarbone. Tracing my brown freckles covering my collarbones like connect the dot.

"I couldn't brush this away. I needed to talk to you. I wanted to..get your attention." He sighs as he lets that out, throwing his head onto my chest, he shifts his head up and starts to kiss my neck. I could feel his warm lips touch my skin gently.  I gasp loudly at his sudden kisses. His hands move up my back, holding me affectionately. he pressed against me with care and precision. He was trying to control his breathing as he pressed against me, his kisses got deeper slowly.

"I...Ka-" I couldn't say another word, I felt like I was melting. I held onto his hair. Its so soft.. it smells like cotton candy and fresh laundry. He lifts up his head and faces me, his face fills with regret and nervousness.

"I'm.. I'm sorry..I should've asked. But.." He looked down and lowered his head.

"You smelled so good.. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry." He facepalms himself mentally. I reach my hand at the hem of his shirt, he quickly reacts, looking up at me. My fingers went down his shoulders to the curve of his hips. Pushing the hem of his shirt up, feeling his cold soft skin. As my hands travels around his waist, his breathing got heavier and small words escaped his lips. He could only stare at me, his eyes going down my body and back to my eyes. He suddenly places his hands on each side of my face, stroking my jawline and the top of my ear. His face softened with a small grin on his face.

My heart was pounding harder as he got closer. "You can kiss me if you want.." He whispers close to me, i could feel his hot breath hit my cheek. I move closer to him, first lightly pecking his bottom lip making him press harder against me. My hands still on his waist go up slowly, my thumb traveling slowly to his undertoned abs.

"don't do this to me." his voice got more raspy, a hint of lust in his voice. His hands grasp around me, lifting up my shirt too. He moves forward against me, kissing me passionately but not so rough. I could small grunts get louder, i slowly stopped and backed away. "Are you alright?" I said with concern. He cleared his throat, he was in a flustered state. I could literally see steam coming out of shirt.

"Wh-What do you mean?" he gave a nervous chuckle, knowing what i was talking about.

"The grunts you made. I'm just worried that you might be uncomfortable." His lips form a grin and starts laughing.

"What's so funny..?" I said, confused.

"Sorry.."He wipes a tear from his eye and tries to collect himself. "You're just so cute when you're worried about the littlest things." He snickers again to himself. I look don with embarrassment.

"I wasn't uncomfortable, actually, was enjoying it..too much." he scratches the back of his head. "No need to worry about that." He snickers and rests his hands on my shoulders. "You're just so pretty, I can't help it." He whispers in a cheeky tone. he presses me against him again, but kissing my neck softly with such care that I might crumble away. Having his lips on neck felt like a new feeling of bliss. Well, I have learned a bunch of feelings just by being with him. He reaches down, he softly licks my neck, touching a sensitive spot. All of sudden, a loud groan escapes my mouth. I gasp from what just happened. I could feel his giggle and starts kissing just that spot. I feel him pressing harder. Making me more react more. My body twitched each time he kissed me.

As he went further down, he started lifted up my shirt more. as soon as he reaches my chest, I feel something poke me on my thighs. My eyes widen and I think he notices it too but keeps going. He fondles with my chest and tales off my shirt completely. Now knowing he's staring at my exposed top, I cover myself up with embarrassment.

"You don't need to hide, darling.."He says as he kisses my neck again, but going rougher. I could feel how much he craved for this. I felt much comfortable with him than anybody else.

A/N [ srryy this chap is a bit short, sry there was a ton of fluff lol please comment what you think of it !!! ]

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