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I felt a heavy weight on my chest, it felt soft and round. I opened up my eyes to a blank white wall. I sat up slowly and looked down to find kaworu's head gently laying on my stomach. My eyes widen and I poked his head. He twitched a little as he woke up and slowly rose up, rubbing his left eye.

"Oh, good morning Y/N .. how was your sleep?" He said sloppy and stretched a bit.

"It was fine." I lied, it was the best sleep I have ever had. He gotten closer to me, his eyes were still droopy as he looked at me.

"I hope the bed wasn't too uncomfortable for you." He gave a little smile on the end of his lips and got out of bed.

"N-Not at all.." I said quietly. He let out a soft laugh and walked out of the room. I can't believe I'm in his bed.. The pillows smelled like him. The scent made me have a unfamiliar warmth that made me want to stay longer. It feels like I'm in heaven.

"Yoo-hoo" Kaworu's head popped up out of nowhere and smiled at me. Was he watching me this entire time?? I thought he left.

"Come downstairs, I have a surprise for you~" His gentle hands caressed my face and tucked hairs behind my ears that hid my face.

It made me smile .. I never brought out a natural smile like this but I didn't care. I'm with Kaworu who showed me the feeling of warmth and affection.

I followed him downstairs and he led me to the dining table. There was a basket filled with warm soft bread, two glasses of orange juice filled with small ice cubes, two  pieces of toasted bread on each plate. I sat down and watched Kaworu prepare breakfast. He placed lettuce, melted cheese, some seasoning and the fried egg on top. I was drooling over some breakfast sandwich.

"I hope you like it .. made it with my sweat and love." He hummed and sat down next to me, cutting up the sandwich in halves. He's so kind .. I wonder what his parents are like if he's this sweet. I didn't feel anxious around him but rather, safe and .. happy.

After we ate, Kaworu lend me my uniform he dried last night and I changed. Since it was the weekend, Kaworu and I have the whole day to ourselves. My parents haven't been so worried I'm hanging out with a boy. Actually, my mother is happy I'm actually spending time with someone the opposite gender as me.

As we looked out the window, we saw the streets were covered in a thin coat of snow. Snow?? Was it that cold last night? What weird weather.

"I haven't seen snow in so long. We have to take a walk outside." He was amazed at streets covered in white soft snow. Kaworu was sweet enough to cover me up in a nice thick dark green coat and a red scarf. He then looked at me for a moment, his face softened as like he wanted to be even more closer to me.

"Is.. Something wrong, Kaworu?" I lied, knowing what that face meant.

"No, nothing, nothing. Lets take our walk!" He shook his head and opened the door. We felt the crisp air fill us. The street was silent, the sound of the soft wind carried.

Kaworu grabbed my hand, it was so sudden that it made my face warm up. He held my hand as we walked like a mother holding their child's hand as they walk.

The ground felt so soft, each step made me calmer. I felt warmer in Kaworu's hands. Somehow, we exchange warmth as we hold hands. This is the happiest I've ever been, it makes me want to cry from joy.

Kaworu found a little park nearby. We walked down to the pond where the lake was frozen solid. Kaworu jumped with glee and ran to the pond. I followed, making sure he doesn't get hurt.

"We have to skate on this, Y/N! Please please!" He sounds like a little child wanting a chocolate bar.

"Lets try it out first." I couldn't say no, obviously but we gotta be careful. I took a nearby stick near the pond and dusted off the snow. I tapped the ice and it didn't break. "It looks solid to me, Y/N." He observed.

As I was looking to see if its thin layers of ice, Kaworu tapped his foot with more pressure and began walking on it slowly.

"Kaworu! Where are you going? It might be dangerous!" I tried to get him hut he was already balanced on the ice. He put his hands on his hips and smiled to himself.

"C'mon, its safe, darling." He reached out for my hand, he looked at me with affection and smiled. He makes me go crazy sometimes.

The ice felt hard but slippery, i still held onto his hand but he didn't mind. I swooshed my feet and skating on the ice with my boots. I felt safer with Kaworu from the day I met him. My days have been better ever since he talked to me. I'm still surprised he picked me. But I'm glad he did.

We were exhausted from swinging ourselves around the ice and laid back on the soft snow. The sky was light enough that you can barley see the snowflakes fall down on you.

The sky was blank, my mind was filled with the person next to me and my body has fell numb. The numbness was a sign for us to come back home.He took his time walking, glancing at me every minute.

"Is something the matter, Kaworu? He keep looking at me. " I came out honest.

"It's.. It's not that important.. Nevermind." He soon fell quiet.

"Everything you say to me is important." I blurted out. I facepalm myself mentally.

He didn't say a word so I turned to him, his face was red. Oh.

"How come your face is red when its cold out?" I lifted up his face, his eyes widen and he looked away. Now he's getting shy?

"It..It happens." He mumbled. He's so cute.

"Anyways, tell me. I wanna know." I stopped right near the house , giving him my full attention.

"Let's head inside first.. I don't want you to catch a cold." He stalled and opened the door. I sighed, it was freezing cold anyways.  I hung my wet green coat and laid my black boots on the door mat. Kaworu turned on the fireplace and went to the storage closet to pull out some blankets.

"Are you sure you have parents?" I joked, they still haven't come home.

"They went on a business trip last minute yesterday. They called me this morning. " He explained and walked up to a small coffee table near the kitchen filled with photo albums and frames. He grabbed a small wooden frame and walked up to me.

"Here is my parents to show I'm not lying."
"I trust you, don't worry." He gave me the picture frame to look. They all have brown hair.

"My parents have dark brown hair while they have their 'special' son with a odd color only elders have." He exaggerated.

"I don't think so. Its what makes you, you."
"Plus I think its pretty cute." The longer I'm with him, the bolder I become.

"I...Uh...Thank you..Y/N~" He tried to come off confident.

I walked to the living room and got myself a thick warm blanket. I sat close to the fireplace, watching the fire spark. He came over to me and sat down with me. But he did the unspeakable. He unfolded me and came closer to me so we share the long blanket. My heart started pumping harder. He's so close..

He looked forward, not even daring to look in my direction. I felt the warmth of his body and scooted closer to him, this time he turned. Our noses practically touching each other. I could feel his heavy breathing. His breath smelled like candy cherries. Our bodies were like glue.

"What I was gonna say was..." He whispered softly, looking into my eyes. His eyes looked everywhere, searching for something.

"the only time that seemed to matter to me was the time i get to spend wth you." We knew both our faces were probably flushed but it's not like we can hide it anymore.

"i cant tell you how many times I've thought about what it would be like if we.." he stopped, his eyes stopped at my lips. he grunted and moved back. Whats going on with him?

"If we..?" I wanted to know, im too curious at this point. No one has loved me like Kaworu.

He looked up and began moving closer, i felt a sudden chill run down my spine. Its almost like im craving for him.

[ A/N : I LITERALLY WROTE THIS ENTIRE CHAP ON THE AIRPLANE AA anywayss ty for the votes and comments!! aa yall r so sweet!!! ( ˶ ❛ ꁞ ❛ ˶ ))

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