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Harry had bought the pizza and tried calming himself down during the long walk back. He just knew what was coming, knew that Niall would question him about everything and Liam would be scolding him with his arms crossed—maybe he should just leave the pizza on the doorstep and make a run for it. But he can't, not really, so he might as well face his friends (who are beginning to be more like parents) and get this all over with. So he sighed, ran a hand through his hair, and then pushed open the door. Once the door was open, he made a run for the kitchen in hopes he could hide in there for just a bit. But that clearly didn't work, not with Liam. It's like he can sense misbehaving, and it's really not fair to anyone on this earth.

Liam was the first to enter (Harry should've bet money that he would have his arms crossed like that), eyeing Harry slowly, inspecting him wholly, and Harry imagined him being like Baymax, scanning him for any broken bones or any sign of exhaustion or trauma. Once the scanning was over, Harry exhaled, clutching the pizza box even firmer in his grasp. "I—we—were worried sick about you, Harry. I stayed up nearly the whole night just waiting for a call or a text, and when I got one from this Louis kid I wasn't too happy knowing he had your phone." Harry inhaled and looked away. "You acted so irresponsibly, H. Like a teenager! Coming in at one in the afternoon . . . I should treat you how you're acting, but I won't because you're a grown up. Grown ups do not obsess over a crush like you do, and honestly, I'm worried. It's irregular behaviour, and I just want you to stay away from him. You've known him for almost three months, have spoken about three sentences to each other, and you're practically in love already! You don't even know the boy!"

Harry was wincing. It felt like each word was a literal slap to the face, and he continued to beat him up talking like that. Maybe Harry did obsess over a little crush, but he just likes Louis a lot. He's never been around a person like Louis before so it's fascinating and new. Louis has yet to treat Harry like a little boy like everyone else has so far, so he likes it. Is there anything wrong with that? Apparently there is, since Liam keeps going on about how it's "better for him to just stay away" and "try to be an adult and you'll understand" and Harry won't admit that he's crying, sniffling, but trying to hold it back because men don't cry. "M'sorry," is the only thing he can mutter. He won't try to defend himself, no way. That would just make this whole ordeal bigger than what it actually is and Harry just wants to get away and sulk in his room. "Here's Niall's pizza," he quietly added, sliding it onto the counter top.


Liam watched him and tried to hold himself back from spilling apologies. It was always so hard to be stern with Harry. He's never raised his voice like that, never been so mean, but he just needs to stop becoming so attached to people so quickly. Harry's just a delicate flower and needs people that care for him and will nurture him surrounding him.

Once Harry had walked out of the kitchen, he waited some time before walking into the room him and Niall shared together. He found Niall on the bed, a phone in his hand, and uneaten popcorn in his mouth. "Niall." That caught his attention. Immediately, Blondie looked up and the popcorn spilled from his mouth.

"Whoops," Niall muttered, scooping them up and eating them. "Yeah, hey; what's wrong? You look . . . weird. Is Harry home? Did he bring pizza? It better have pep—"

"Niall, please." Niall sat up and furrowed an eyebrow. "Do you know anything about this Louis kid?"

"No, nothing more than you do. Met him once when I went to visit Harry at work, remember? You were with me. Tattooed, short, pretty eyes. Kinda quiet, just smoked outside. Never talked to Harry, really, when we were there. Aren't they friends? I mean, like, he seems pretty cool. Did you not read the group messages? God, he was cracking me up," Niall snorted, beginning to hold up his phone to Liam's face to show him just how funny Louis was.

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