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Harry made sure to get up early and cook Gemma a healthy breakfast to get her day moving as smoothly as possible. He grabbed the pain relievers and set them out beside the food he prepared and patiently waited for Gemma to make her way into the kitchen. 

While waiting, he decided to gather the clothes he had to wear for the big day. Gemma had changed her mind on the floral shirt that Harry was supposed to wear and instead picked out an expensive looking tux. She wouldn't say where it's from because she knew Harry wouldn't wear it once finding out how much it was. It's black though, and Gemma, bless her heart, found a tux that has flowers on it. 

Where do you even find a floral-print suit? The shirt underneath is a button-up white one and he has black dress shoes (that he's never worn) to make the look more wedding-y. 

He puts it on in the bathroom for the heck of it, and surprisingly, it's comfortable. The material is soft and the matching black floral trousers have more room for his legs to breathe than his skinnies. The jacket, as soft as it is, will be hard to stay in all night because of the California heat, but he knows he can just take it off whenever he wants. He hopes not to sweat a lot because it would definitely be noticeable in the white button-up.

There's a knock on the bathroom door, and Harry flushes a little because he finds it embarrassing just randomly trying on the outfit. But it's Louis, and he says he needs to brush his teeth, and if he doesn't open the door, Louis will either tease him about taking a poo, or wanking. So he opens the door with red cheeks, and Louis looks like he's about to say something funny by the way his lips were formed in that teasing smirk, but once he sees what he's wearing, he just eyes him and opens his mouth a little.

"Um," Harry quietly says. "Just trying on the outfit." Louis' still staring, so Harry makes a move to leave, but he puts his hand up and blocks Harry from doing so. "Hey," he protests.

"One moment," Louis said. Harry took a step back and ran a hand through his shorter hair. Louis watched his movements and swore underneath his breath. "You look really good, babe. Just kind of . . ." He moves his finger in a circle. Harry's cheeks redden even more, but he does as told and turns around slowly, and then faces Louis again. Louis rubs his jawline. "Look so fit."

"Don't I always?" Harry defends, the famous pout returning to his lips.

"Yeah, baby. Always. But this just accentuates a lot of great things."

Harry can't help but smile. He's a sucker for compliments, so. "Yeah?"

Louis nods and looks him up and down again. "Yeah."

He giggles, can't help it, and then runs his hands over the jacket of the suit, tugging on it a little and feeling a whole lot more confident in it. "Should take it off now, though. I'm too clumsy to walk around in it."

"Mhm," Louis nods, moving in closer to Harry and tugging on the collar of his shirt and pulling him down a little, his lips moving in close to Harry's.

Harry ducks to the side and Louis' lips meet his cheek, and he's not really happy about that. "Brush your teeth first," Harry whispers to him, and then quickly walks away from him to avoid the wrath of Louis Tomlinson.

He carefully gets out of the expensive-feeling suit and hangs it up how it was before he put it on. He changes into some jeans and a comfortable t-shirt, and then makes his way downstairs. He can hear the shower water running from the bathroom Louis' in, and Harry knows for a fact that Louis doesn't like taking a shower the day of something important because he says his hair never wants to work, so Harry doesn't know why he's taking one now.

"Hello, bride!" Harry happily shouts when he sees Gemma in the kitchen eating the breakfast Harry prepared.

"Oi, man, hush. Got a headache," she grumbled unhappily. 

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