~1~ Another Day in a Boring Life

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For anyone about to read this book, you might like it, but it's my first book at the writing is pretty shitty at first in my opinion. The writing at the end is way better so yeah. I had no idea what I was doing with the plot and I am writing other stories now that will hopefully we way better. Thanks for reading this though, I appreciate you!

For clarification there is an 'Alex' in this chapter. It is not Quackity Alex! Just annoying straight white boy Alex!

Tubbo is 16 (in this he had turned 16 recently)
Tommy is 15


It was another same old boring day.

I woke up to the painful sound of my alarm.

God I wish I could change it to a different sound.

I got up and threw some clean clothes on. Well, at least they smelled clean.

I was wearing ripped jeans with a loose long sleeve top that was a size too big so the sleeves were puffy.

I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth, combed my hair a bit, and splashed some water my face.

I walked down the stairs to the kitchen and pulled a bagel out of the pantry.

I didn't even bother putting it in the toaster I just started to rip pieces off and put them in my mouth like popcorn.

I walked into the next room over and sat down on the couch, pulling my phone out of my back pocket. I opened my texting app to tell Tommy we would be at his house soon.

He responded with 'k'

I heard creaking come from the stairs and saw my dad walking down.

"Hey dad! I'm ready to go," I told him as I jumped up from the couch, grabbing my saxophone.

He nodded, then snatched the keys, I put my bag on my back, and he walked me out to the car.

We stopped at Tommy's house to pick him up like usual.

"Hey Bee Boy!"

"Hey big man!"

He jumped in the car. I sat with him in the back so I could be next to him like every other day.

When we arrived at the school. I said bye to my dad and we walked in.

We walked up to the big doors of the school. I was not excited at all to see who was waiting for me behind those doors.

As soon as we entered I spotted them. Jackson, Andrew and Alex.

They saw me too.

I sped up a bit and Tommy said bye to me, going into his first class.

I waved as he turned away.

"Hey Chubbo."

I just stared at the ground as I kept walking silently.

"What Bee boy too afraid to stand up to us?"

I didn't respond. I was too tired to deal with this today.

I tried to ignore them and walk faster but they caught up.

"It's okay guys he must just be too dumb to come up with any clever comebacks."

My eyes narrowed at that sentence.

I wanted so badly to just turn around and punch him.

"Why don't you just shut up, you sad excuses for men. No wonder your fathers never wanted you."

They went silent.

"Who's too dumb to come up with comebacks now, idiots?"

I then turned into my first class and they moved onto theirs.

I slumped down into my seat. I can't believe I actually did that. I had been planning that moment for a while but I never thought I would get the guts to actually do it.

The teacher walked it and starting writing on the whiteboard.

Math is boring. I have no friends in this class. Luckily class went by fast.

Tommy was in my next class, science.

I met him outside of class every day so I began to walk there.

I had been waiting about 20 seconds when I saw Tommy not far down the hall. I waved to him and he waved back. I could tell he picked up his pace when he saw me. Jackson and Andrew then turned the corner right in front of him. He almost ran into them. They were in this class which I hated and they taunted me when they walked past.

I responded by kicking Andrew in the ankle.

He yelped in pain and turned around to face me.

"Oops. It was an accident," I said barely able to hold in my laughter.

Then Tommy started laughing and I did too. I glanced over at Andrew and he looked like he was about to explode.

That only made us laugh more.

Andrew turned away and went into class so we walked in there after him.

After that they had found me almost every passing period like usual whispering snarky remarks at me and smirking when they got a reaction.

"You must have boring sucky lives." I say during one passing period.

"We do not!"

"I'm suure you don't."

They scoffed and left me alone the rest of the day.

Guess they were just looking for easy prey. I should stand up to myself more.

At least school went by very quickly. I may have zoned out in most of my classes but oh well. That's a problem I'll deal with tomorrow.

*Time pass it is now after school and he is in his dad's car.*

"So Tubbo, how was school?"

"Actually not as bad, but still awful."

"Oh? That's a change. What happened?"

"It was just those idiotic boys who constantly tease me. I stood up to them and they actually left me alone for a bit."

"That is amazing! I'm proud!" He says beaming, "If these boys mess with you one more time you have my permission to kick them in the balls!"

"HAH! I'll take you up on that Dad! They deserve it," I giggled.

He laughed back.

"I'm here for you," he reassured me, "That's what parents are for."

*another time skip*

I was almost done with my homework.

My grades had been dropping recently so I couldn't miss any work that had to be done.

My dad said I couldn't hang out with Tommy after school until I raised my D to a B.

Why did school have to be so miserable! There was so much work piled on me in math and we have tests in history this week. It was so stressful.

Maybe zoning out isn't that smart of an idea.

I decided to take a walk out in the woods to clear my mind.


All the comments on the chubbo part are making me laugh. I debated putting it in there but now I'm glad I did because people commenting is so entertaining.

1100 words nice

Have a good day/night/4am


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