~8~ Day 1 and 2

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So I forgot that Tubbo has school so let's pretend it doesn't even exist in the first place because school would interfere with the plot I have planned. So yeah. His school got burned down over the weekend because one of the cafeteria people left the oven on when everyone left on Friday for the weekend. There.

Also the next few chapters aren't great but oh well it gets better at chapter 11 (which is my favorite chapter so far)


Tubbo POV

Morning light engulfed my tent as I squinted my eyes at how bright it was.

I felt my stomach vibrate and decided I should eat.

I pulled out some fruit snacks packets and dumped them out, sorting them into their colors/flavors.

I ate the grape ones first, then the pink raspberry ones. I ate the orange ones next and the lemon ones after that. I saved the best for last-the strawberry ones.

After eating each color in that peticular order, I packed up my tent and started to head off, continuing my journey to find the ghost boy.

Haha ghost boi
My mind always comes up with the most random shit

I yelp and shoot up in the air when I hear a loud snap!

My dumb arse had stepped on a stick.

Wow so smart why am I like this?

I picked up the stick and tossed it into a bush in the distance to my left and I watched a rabbit hop out of the bush obviously scared by the stick I threw.

Ha. Loser.

I pulled out my phone and decided to listen to mucic. My thought were becoming too laud and too much now.

Ranboo said he liked lemon demon when he was alive. I will listen to him then.

The name of the song that played first was pizza heroes. Huh, interesting name.

Day or night
Night or day
Black or while
Or straight or gay

We always deliver
We always deliver
We always deliver
We always deliver
We always deliver

Pizza heroes

I see why Ranboo likes Lemon Demon. This song was pretty good. His songs are so random. Lawnmower? There's one called when he died? Action movie hero boy.... I remember Ranboo played that one time. I didn't know it was lemon demon. Touch tone telephone and... two trucks?

I tapped on the name two trucks.

It was pretty quiet so I turned my volume up. It started to get louder but I didn't mind. Then the music blasted in my ears,



That song was... interesting... to say the least.

I tapped on touch tone telephone.
That one was much better.

Near the end I started to hum along to it as I walked, my steps synchronizing to the beat.

(Lyrics) Ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba

Ranboo POV

It was around mid day. I still hadn't made it to Tubbo's house. It felt as if I were going the wrong direction so I turned around and walked in a different direction that I felt more confident going in.

Who knows how deep I am into this forest by now but at some point I have to get back to his house.

I am not the most nimble. Being a ghost made trudging through the forest a bit easier but I still tripped and ran into random branches quite a bit.

For the next few hours I zoned out just walked around through the trees, going wherever my conscience brought me.

The sun had began to set and I found some shelter under a tree with low hanging branches. I have lived in the forest long enough I am used to sleeping in places like this.

Tubbo POV

I looked around for a flat enough place to make my tent. I needed to get it up before the sunlight was completely gone.


After finding a spot I crawled into the now built tent and tucked my legs into my big hoodie I was wearing. I found the string in my mouth as I was chewing on the end of it as a stim.

I took an instant ramen package out of my bag. I sprinkled some of the seasoning on it because why not and nibbled on it.

I turned on some music by Wilbur soot. Your city gave me asthma is sad but very calming for when going to sleep.

My eyes grew heavy and I was soon was softly asleep in the comforts of my hoodie.


Waking up in the morning, I repeated yesterday over again do almost exactly the same things... except for today I didn't play two trucks.

I did however still end up scaring my dumb self by stepping on a stick again though.

Ranboo POV

Ranboo was weaving between the trees. He was bored but on a mission. He wanted to stop and look at each and every flower but knew he shouldn't as Tubbo needs him. Or he at least needs Tubbo.


The day ended with Tubbo going to sleep in his tent after brushing his teeth and Ranboo once again slept care-free under some tree he found.

Tubbo found this day was just very useless as it was the same as the day was before.



920 words

My inner lemon demon fan really came out in that one part with Tubbo. I tried not to make that Lemon Demon bit too long even through I could easily make that bit 2-3,000 words. :)

Don't forget to eat and drink. You matter <3

~Demon, out

A Ghost for a Friend ~ BeeduoWhere stories live. Discover now