~11~ Day 5

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Lil ghost dude ^ :)
(Any name suggestions for it lol)

I haven't exactly decided if I want school to exist but idk. I'm decisive. I have an idea for something with the school still exists but who knows. Just bear with me here haha

This chapter is my favorite I've written so far for this book so I hope you all like this :]


Tubbo POV

At this point I don't even remember why I am in this forest. I know I am looking for Ranboo. Why I am looking for Ranboo? Well I certainly don't remember.

I sighed.

My feet hurt so much. I had traveled miles and miles each day on very little food and all the thorns on the bushes have cut up the tops of my feet along with my legs a bit.

I looked up when I thought I smelled the scent of flowers. And I was right.

Off a bit to my right was a flower field.

There were tall beautiful sunflowers mixed with alliums, roses, columbines, buttercups, daffodils, and chrysanthemums. Paths were carved through the flowers and there were bees. So many bees.

Joy flooded through me.


I sprinted into the field, not even thinking about the fact that it was trespassing.

Arriving at the nearest sunflower, I stretched my fingers out to the few bees collecting pollen on it.

One of them crawl onto my finger. I bring my hand up to my face, examining the small body on my finger. It tickled a bit.

I felt peaceful.

After circling around on my fingers a few times, the bee flew off my hand and back into the flowers, leaving dusty yellow pollen residue on my hand.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding and picked a few flowers before turning back to the forest.

Hunger immediately gripped my sides as I started walking away. I leaned against a tree and clenched my eyes shut.

After the pain slowly subsided for the moment I began walking once more. My whole body felt like it was on fire, my muscles were stiff with sharp stabbing pain.

I couldn't stop now, I've tried too hard. I have to find him and I never will if I don't keep walking.

The sun had began to set. My body begged me to sleep but I felt I had to keep going. Something pushed me to continue. I don't know what, but it was enough to keep me going.


Ranboo POV

I had made it to Tubbo's house.

I was filled with an immeasurable amount of relief.

I bursted through the doors.

"Tubbo! I'm sorry! I'm back! Please forgive me! I have something very important to tell you!"

I waited in the silence.

There was no voice back.

The relief I felt immediately disappeared.

It was quickly replaced by panic.

Along with that panic came the realization that Tubbo was out in the woods alone. Who knows how long he was out there.

I fled the house. How was I this stupid? Of course he would come after me.

I had to find him in this huge forest.

No matter what it takes.


No one POV (but Tubbo's thoughts/feelings)

Tubbo wandered through the woods, highly on edge, he was barely able to keep moving with how lightheaded he was. Noticing something in the corner of his eye, he spun around to see Ranboo. He was frantically looking around in an urgent manner as if he were lost.

Tubbo immediatly ran towards him, a warmth flowing through his chest, and throughout his whole body as he jumped onto the tall boy and embraced him in a hug.

Tubbo missed Ranboo so much. He inhaled his sweet scent he missed so much. At this moment everything was perfect. All problems seemed to vanish. It was as if nothing nor anyone around them even existed. Joy flooded Tubbo. His eyes were getting watery. He felt a soft touch on the top of his head, Ranboo rested his head on the shorter one's. Tubbo closed his eyes feeling comfort, as tears started to fall down his cheeks.

Wait... did Ranboo just kiss him? On his head?!

Out of surprise, Tubbo pulled away and grasped Ranboo's hands, not letting go as if the second he were to loose the grasp of the friendly ghost, he would be pulled away from him. Tubbo looked up at him smiling back at the ghost's friendly smile. But Tubbo then nociced his hands wern't giving off thee same warmth as they usually did. Odd.

A puzzled look on his face replaced his bright, cheerful smile, as he realized that Ranbooo's arms were transparent. It was as if they disappeared but there was still an outline and they were definetly still there; he could feel them.

Tubbo came back to reality. There were problems. So many problems. His stomach started to growl again and he could feel his dry mouth begging for water once more. Only if that tranquility could last forever. But alas, that would never happen.

His vision started to blur. He tried to say something, anything, but nothing came out.

He looked up at Ranboo's face. It held an apologetic expression of concern and fear.

Tubbo felt his grip slipping. Hunger and dehydration had overwhelmed him. Everything felt in slow motion. He felt his body hit the ground. Ranboo started screaming his name and Ranboo's cries echoed through his ears.

His vision had gone black. This didn't feel real.


(Chapter over)

970 words

Just a small reminder!
Tubbo and Ranboo love each other romantically in this story, but I in no way ship them romantically irl.
The Tubbo and Ranboo in this are not the irl people.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk

Also almost 2k reads :o

~Demon, out

A Ghost for a Friend ~ BeeduoWhere stories live. Discover now