~14~ The park with the garden

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I was sick for a week then took a break from Wattpad but I'm good now and I plan to write more because I like writing I just need to find the time and motivation.

^^I made a Ranboo themed hat though! I like it. It was hard to make.
(It's the top picture)

Also I may start another book with all the random things that I write that aren't this book because I do more than just this.
Would anyone be interested in reading the short things I write? (Give me input on this)

Enjoy a long chapter for once :D


Ranboo POV

Tubbo cupped his hands around my face and happiness fluttered in me. He's awake!

He didn't look too happy though... he looked mad?

"Now why did you hide it from me?" He demanded.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out. My mind was racing trying to give a response.

"I, I can explain," I managed to say.

"Go on then."

"So when someone has been a ghost for a long enough they will start to fade. Like just fade out of existence. And... well that's happening to me. It's been getting worse for a while now and I can no longer hide it. My arms are completely faded. I knew as soon as you found out you would be devastated so I tried to hide it but at some point you just can't hide something like this," I guess I'm just afraid to loose you.

Tubbo's mouth hung open and he gave no answer. Please just answer me I thought.

"Well, is there a way to fix this?" Tubbo started rambling, "Maybe some flower, a special rock, a true love kiss like in Disney movies?"

"I'm afraid not," I started, "Do you remember me mentioning Wilbur?"

Tubbo nodded.

"This happened to him. It was the worst day of my afterlife. I remember the pain I felt that day and I don't want it happening to you."

Ranboo's eyes fluttered open and he sat up on his bed made of leaves, moss and feathers Wilbur had helped him make.

The sky glowed in vibrant pink, yellow, and orange colors.

He looked to his right and saw Wilbur crying while holding a blue flower in his right hand which was transparent. His hands had been transparent for weeks so Ranboo was used to seeing his hands like that. Ranboo kinda missed his blue stained hands as it was a part of who Wilbur was in a way but that's long gone now.

Ranboo shuffled closer the the weeping ghost and gave him a hug, not daring to say a word.

He felt warm tears fall down his slightly grey cheeks as Wilbur's sadness had made him start to cry.

The two ghosts sat there for what felt like only 30 seconds, but was in reality 30 minutes. Until Ranboo finally pulled away from the older ghost and asked what was wrong.

Wilbur looked up and the two met eye contact. The amount of pain Ranboo saw in his eyes at that moment was unbearable. He felt his eyes widen and his face melt into a look of empathy for the poor ghost.

"Ranboo- ... I- ... I am almost gone," He croaked out, "I won't see you again... I will leave you all alone... I've been here for you for so long... I'm sorry."

A Ghost for a Friend ~ BeeduoWhere stories live. Discover now