Part 34

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🅱🆈 the time Aries came back from a quick talk slash goodbye to Thresh, and maybe some food hunting, knowing Estella wanted to be alone for the time. It hits night when he reaches inside the burrow.

Aries frowns seeing Estella's back since her jacket is no longer there, not because of the huge wound that's leaking with blood. But at how sullen she looks. Unlike Estella, Aries had gotten used to people leaving him behind because of multiple reasons, but Estella didn't. The first time someone left her, her brain refused to remember, and the last time she cried so much it even burned Aries as he felt the pain.

"I got some bunnies!" Aries tries to hype the girl up with his high voice and cheery tone. It seems to work succinctly when Estella turns her head and grins at the thought of meat in her stomach. "I got some herbs also for that." Her doe's eye grew as if it sparkled. It comes as a surprise that he remembers all her teachings on survival, especially when it comes to plants. Knowing how much it bores him.

Although a common fact is that, those plants won't help with the poison. For now, it will be bearable for Estella with the pain if applied. Aries settled everything down, before walking to her who had to move her hair to the front, masking her unprotected chest. Aries engages his eyes to stray on Estella's skin, memorizing the hidden moles on her low hip and shoulder.

Estella had neglected the goosebumps she was feeling from Aries's intense gaze. That is soon replaced with a hiss when the sting of the herbal plant is placed on the corners of her wounds. Unintentionally, she switches around to withdraw Aries's action by retaining a tight grip on his wrists.

Aries is forcing himself to keep his hold on Estella's eyes and nowhere else. "It hurts, Stellie," he is mentioning the hold she got on him, her nails are almost digging through his skin. "S-Sorry. Do you got something for me to hold or bite on?" He looks around their surrounding for an item while Estella calms her breathing, occasionally hissing. He frowns seeing the lack of items around them, he's not going to let her bite on weapons, there's not even a sleeping bag. 

And any more fabric being ripped they would particularly just be naked by now. "Um. Just hold onto me." Aries said those words without considering them thoroughly. And when Estella did as so, enfolding him with her arms around his neck and lingering on his back. Aries had taken in a gasp, being able to sense Estella's naked top against him, her breasts and nipples especially.

Cursing at himself before focusing on Estella's back. He pushes Estella more towards him by her lower back, merely because of his need for a better view but he won't deny his wants to have her closer. As Aries carefully spread the herb plant around her wound, almost covering it up. Estella on the other side is naively torturing Aries mentally and physically.

Every time the anguish was too much for Estella to bear, she would ought her nails to dig through Aries's shoulder or even sometimes scratch his back torturously slow. Aries almost couldn't take it when Estella bit his shoulder to endure her screams. It was like only Aries who felt the heavy sexual tension growing amidst them.

"Oh, god help me." It simply worsens every time Estella groans, moans, grunt, or even let out a puff of breath beside his ear. Aries can feel the blood flowing up to his face by now.

After 10 minutes which felt like a year for Aries, he begins setting up a fire to cook the meat. Not caring about issuing a trace of smoke for their whereabouts. Estella is too tired to nag him, as she carefully puts on her jacket, dismissing her sports bra.

Aries didn't notice it at first, focusing on his cooking to get Estella fed, however, when she gathered with him around the fire that was illuminating the dim burrow, he did. He nearly choked on nothing seeing what he saw. He had to do a double-take and when he did, it wasn't the hardest time for him to look away.

There Estella sat beside him, in her cargo pants and in only a jacket that wasn't even zipped up as it outlasted her chest. Proffering Aries a full display of her size and the rest to his imagination. "... Aren't you going to wear something to cover... that area?" Aries gestures to his chest for Estella to understand him.

"It's too tight and hot, taking it off already caused too much energy. I rather wear something breezy and big." Estella ignores Aries's sudden lack of confidence when just this morning it was he who asked her to strip. Now he's shuttering like a boy whose first time seeing a girl half-naked, under his breath yelled. "Dennis, I swear if you're listening to this. Get. Her. Clothes! I don't give a damn about some medicine!"

"Sorry?" Estella frowned seeing Aries mumbling to himself. She didn't catch him but Aries gave her a smile that told her there was nothing she should fret about. "Should we move around tomorrow? It's getting stuffy in here." Estella whines slightly while chewing on the meat. "I don't mind. But you're hurt, dear." She rolls her eyes and the nickname when Aries begins that 'dear' nickname. It had somehow stuck, but now a new addition has been added.

"I'm injured on the back, not the legs. I'll be fine." Estella spoke up, when her eyes resigned on Aries they automatically slumped on his covered eye. She didn't want to know what happened as it was clear nor did she want to ask who as Aries had various enemies up his sleeves.

"Do you need to cover that?" Aries bore his eyes away from the fire flicker to her jeweled brown eyes. He took a moment to just gawk at her beauty, she is the type of girl who doesn't realize how she could undoubtedly bewitch anyone.

Reaching her hand to his head, taking the opportunity of Aries dozing off to her face. Estella took the fabric with a single pull, permitting it to fall onto the ground. Estella is greeted with Aries once eye there that is now dull in color. Almost greyish. Additionally, added a new deep scar across it. "Is it bad? I'm not blind, just blurry insight."

Estella tips her head to the side casually. "No. No, you're still as handsome as ever... Your fangirls aren't leaving you." She let out a soft chuckle that went right to Aries's heart. "I don't care about them. It's only you. I don't want you to leave me... again." The last part came as a whisper that Estella didn't identify.

" The last part came as a whisper that Estella didn't identify

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