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After the Christmas ball it was more silent at the royal palace. It felt kind of empty, as usual. Somewhere in the halls of the castle you could find Wilhelm, just sitting there, staring out of the window.
It was snowing outside, the prince used to love snow but now he wasn't bothered to go outside.

When Wilhelm and Erik where younger they would play outside for ages: making snow angels, throwing snow balls at the guards, sleighing. And when they came back their mother always made hot chocolate and cookies. Oh how he missed these times, but he grew up and he had to accept that everything was different now.

He just sat there for a while still staring outside till the queen came searching for him: 'Wilhelm, Wilhelm why are you here? Come with me, your father and I want to discuss a few things with you!'

'Is it about Mariah? Because I'm not coming with you then , you know what I think about the whole situation. One evening was enough!'
Wilhelm hated this life.

'No it's not about that, we've got more important things to discuss right now.'
More important probably meant more shitty.

Wilhelm hesitantly followed his mother to the huge living room, he was scared by the expression on mother's face.
'So, Wilhelm. Your father and I thought it would be for the best if you didn't return to Hillerska this year.'

Wilhelm couldn't believe it: 'First you forced me to go and now I can't anymore, WHY? This doesn't make sense AT ALL!' His mom started speaking again, his dad on the other hand just sat there as he always did, coward. 'After what happened I don't want you to go back. it isn't safe.'

Wilhelm felt so unheard and alone, 'not safe', they just meant that being close to Simon wasn't safe. His parents could not keep doing this to him.

'WILHELM, have a little respect for me please, stop shouting!'
What? He never even got a little respect from the queen, she always just did what she pleased, what did he owe her?.

'Mom why?'.
Wilhelm needed an answer.

'You can't be with that, with that, euh boy'. She was struggling to find the right words 'You are young and a mistake is easily made. That boy is just one of those. He is not right for you, you need to marry a woman, Have kids!'

Wilhelm felt tears running down his face. 'He is the one I want to be with, I CAN MARRY HIM! WHO CARES ABOUT CHILDREN. Let August make some, even though they'll probably come out looking very unfortunate.'

'Wilhelm calm down, and don't speak about your family like that', his mom tried to calm him down but he just pulled away. 'You are getting a private teacher till the end of this school year, we will find another school for next year. You don't wanna go back now, we're protecting you, really. You will only get dirty looks at Hillerska!'

'Why are you so sure about that? It's because that is what you would do. YOU WOULD GIVE ME DIRTY LOOKS! YOU'RE THE BIGGEST BULLY HERE!', Wilhelm started screaming again.

'My decision is final, we will talk about the Mariah situation later, now doesn't really seem like the moment'.

Wilhelm stormed out of the living room. This was the worst thing that could happen. He picked his jacket and went for a walk in the royal garden, that was as big as a city park. He didn't need a guard so he was on his own. He walked to the furthest end of the gardens and sat down. He decided to put on some music while reading the book from Simon so he picked up his phone, then he saw it: a message, it was from Simon. He was scared, what could it be? He was also excited , Simon texted him! Wilhelm quickly opened it.

S: Thank you for never telling me about August?! The video!

Wilhelm started thinking.

W: I am so sorry, I forgot to tell you. I knew it from my mom, she didn't tell me too I had to keep it a secret. I am sorry Simon.

S: I am kinda tired of you apologizing every time. You are so scared of your mom, you can't blame her for you being a coward. You're ashamed of me. I know this is never going to work out. Please be brave for yourself, but I can't take this.

W: I am so so so sorry. I know I needed to say it but I just forgot it was stupid please forgive me.

No answer, hours of silence. Simon had opened Wilhelm's message but he didn't answer. Was this stupid misunderstanding really gonna be the end?

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