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It was only 21:00 but Simon was exhausted, he was finally able to have some good sleep since he was able to talk to Wille.

That really made him so much calmer, knowing Wilhelm was still there. He didn't leave permanently.

Simon went to sleep with a small grin on his face.

The plan of a good night sleep didn't last long. Simon heard his phone ringing five minutes after he turned off his lights.

A bit irritated he picked up his phone.

'Simon? Omg you answered!' Wilhelm sounded very relieved.

'Wilhelm why are you calling me, are you okay?' Simon was honestly a bit concerned.

'I will explain everything but I can't do it now, I am on the bus tho Hillerska. I hoped I could maybe sleep in your room? You have two beds!'

Simon was very confused: 'okay, yes just knock on my window, I'll wait for you', he always would.

'Thank you Simon, I will be at your window in a good 10 minutes!', Wilhelm reacted enthusiastically.

10 minutes later Simon was staring outside when he saw the silhouette of a tall, skinny boy. Wilhelm.

He quickly opened the window and the cold from outside was overwhelming, but how warm he felt inside when he watched the blond guy climb in to his room made it all good.

Simon closed it again and made sure no one was outside. They couldn't be seen. The curtains went closed too.

Wilhelm seemed out of breathe, scared, but his eyes where sparkling, they looked so pretty.

'What happened, why aren't you at home?', Simon got very curious by now.

Wilhelm looked the curly haired right in the eyes: 'I left the palace, I am coming back no matter what my parents are saying!'

Simon felt happy, proud. Wille finally found the courage.

Wilhelm seemed more serious now: 'I also told them I want to be with you, I said I would leave if I couldn't be with you.', His eyes where a little watery by now, he swallowed: 'she kind of kicked me out'.

Simon pulled Wilhelm in a tight hug, and eventually Simon whispered 'I love you Wilhelm', before placing his lips on Wilhelm's.

That feeling was something Simon wanted to hold on to forever, he got chills all over his body. Finally.

Wilhelm let go of the hug: 'I want to come out I think l, You deserve honesty, maybe first at school. Not for everyone I think, I don't know. If that's okay? Or We can go out or I will post on insta or maybe I am too scared for that? I could maybe just make a state-', Wilhelm started to feel very anxious, how was he supposed to do this?

Luckily Simon knew what was going on: 'Wilhelm slow down, breathe in and out.' They went to sit on his bed together.

'You don't have to come out immediately, you can take days, weeks even months if you need. I'll be here and I won't leave because I believe in you.' Simon tried to Calm him down.

It worked and Wilhelm started speaking slowly: 'Simon, I am going to. It makes me feel fucking anxious but you don't deserve this, and neither do I. I don't need to live a lie and you don't need to be my secret.' They kissed again. 'A very hot secret, that would be.'

Wilhelm looked tired. 'Come let's go to bed'. Simon suggested. 'We can fix this mess tomorrow.'

Wilhelm didn't really know where to lay. Simon noticed: 'we can share?' They both smiled while falling asleep, exhausted but happier than ever.
Everything was gonna be okay

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