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After classes Simon went outside to clear his head, to the lake in the school's garden. Something about the water made Simon feel calm, it was so peaceful.

He sat there for a while, thinking. Simon didn't want to think sometimes. He just wished you could turn your thoughts off. But no matter how hard he tried he couldn't stop thinking about Wilhelm.

What if he forgot how his touch felt? Or how his voice sounded? What if he forgot what his hair felt like? Or his soft skin? He would never see Wilhelm again, so he better forgot about him.
Even if he didn't want to.

After a while Simon decided to walk back to the school. It was almost time for Dinner, you had to be inside by then. When he walked back Simon saw Felice standing at the door. He swore he recognized the guy she was talking with the closer he came, the more sure he was. It was Wilhelm. No, he was probably just daydreaming about him again. Simon pinched himself, it didn't work. The beautiful young  prince still stood there.

Maybe it was real? Oh fuck he had to walk in to that door. But then he had to walk past them. That would be so akward. Simon wanted to see him, but he wasn't prepared for this.

He decided to climb trough his window. Okay, That sounds really stupid but he was panicking so much and It sounded like the best option.

Simon tried to sneak away as fast as possible so Felice and Wilhelm wouldn't notice him.

He desperately tried to open his window but he wasn't strong enough, he kept trying but he just couldn't open it, Simon was just about to give up when he heard a voice behind him.

'Need any help?', the voice sounded familiar. Oh no they saw him. Simon turned around slowly. Then he saw him. He was so close, it was breathtaking.

'Euhm...', Simon found it hard to say anything. What was he supposed to feel? He felt ashamed, mad, happy, confused, everything at once.

'Look, if you don't want to see me. I'm okay with that. But I came here to talk.', Wilhelm said determined.

'Okay, but help me first. Then I will listen', Simon felt like they had to talk, otherwise he would never be able to close this chapter.

Once they got in Simon sat down on his bed, Wilhelm just sat on the floor. It was completely silent for a few seconds, it wasn't uncomfortable though. The two boys just sat there, admiring each other in silence. They hadn't seen each other for so long, they needed that moment.

Wilhelm was the first one to talk,'Simon I need you to know that I really love you!' Simon frowned. 'I may have not shown it after Everything that has happened, but I really do', Wilhelm continued.

'Look, Wilhelm. I love you, too. But I've told you several times I couldn't do this. I am ready to forgive you, but nothing more', Simon said with a lump in his throat.

'Thank you, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Augustus and my school situation, I just didn't want to hurt you even more', Wilhelm said with difficulty.

Simon nodded: 'it's okay, I understand.'

Wilhelm saw Simon playing with something, he immediately recognized it. 'That's my necklace', he said in disbelief, Wilhelm left it at Simon's house on purpose last time they where together. He wanted him to find it, but he was surprised he actually wore it.

'Euhm, yes you can have it back if you want!', Simon noticed Wilhelm started blushing. 'No, no please keep it. I left it at your house on purpose. I'm surprised you're wearing it actually'.

Simon gave him a faint smile: 'so this is it?', That sounded a little more emotional than he wanted.

Wilhelm didn't know what to say: 'can I please hug you?' Simon nodded, he wanted nothing more than his touch.

While hugging Wilhelm completely broke down. Simon let him cry on his shoulder. He started to get emotional himself too.

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