Chapter 7 - Miranda

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"I must say Donna.. I'm a tiny bit jealous."

Donna's gaze shot up at her sister, alarmed by the charming smile on her face. In the past, she was well aware of her big sister's affairs with maids who would, after a certain amount of time, either run away or end up in the dungeons for being disobedient.

Not many could take Alcina's strong temperament and often mood swings.

"L-Laika is mine, Alci.. please respect that."

She said, trying her best to keep her voice from quivering. Alcina, as gracefully as ever, extended her hand across the table and held it open patiently for Donna to take. She did just that, and immediately felt a wave of relief wash over her when the tall woman gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"I know darling, you needn't worry. But tell me in exactly what way is she yours? I have my own suspicions but I wish to hear it from you."


Oh this is not good.

Donna parted her lips to reply, but felt herself become unable to do so because God, if she was to tell Alcina about her feelings for Laika, the tall woman would most certainly laugh.

Feelings? What happened to 'crush'?

"U–Um.. well, she's my... my maid."

She said instead, cringing at the way her breathing was rushed and her voice trembling with every word spoken. It wasn't that she was ashamed of what she felt for the young woman, but rather the reactions that it could provoke from others.

If Mother Miranda was to ever find out, she'd–

"Donna.. you can be honest with me. I know we're not related by blood, but you are my sister and I want you to know that no matter what, I will always be there for you."

Alcina spoke in such a sweet voice, and the raven haired woman felt her walls that she had built in order to protect herself and her fragile heart, crumble down at once.

"I.. I know, I just– I find all of this very confusing. I've never had someone like Laika in my life before, and I'm not talking just about her job as a maid.

She–.. She cares about the way I feel, or what I think and she always listens to what I have to say. I got to know her a bit better in the past few months, at least from observing her and having short conversations but I can see she's a very nice person.

S-Someone who I might wish to have... a bond with. Not a friendly one though! I-I mean I want.. a bond where I get to hold her hand whenever I want and maybe um.. take walks around the village with her?"

Donna's innocence absolutely blew Alcina away.

She couldn't regard as true, the fact her sister actually admitted her feelings for her maid, in her own pure way, and voiced out the wish for a romantic relationship.

Well, at least Lady Dimitrescu assumed Donna spoke about a bond between two lovers, since the innocent wording of her sister confused her a little.

"I'm s-sorry.. please say something Alci.."

Donna whispered, her eye shimmering with unfallen tears. Alcina must've spaced out for a little while, because the woman in front of her was on the verge of crying.

Immediately, Alcina stood up from her chair and pulled Donna up as well, as the two made their way over to a very fancy looking sofa facing the lit fireplace.

"I apologize, Donna I didn't mean to stay silent for that long. Please, sit."

The doll maker hesitantly sat down and with the back of her hand wiped away a stray tear rolling down her pale cheek. Alcina sat down as well and took her sister's hand once more, giving her a soft smile.

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