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The air in the room was suffocating. The tension was too high as the director and the head editor watched an edited clip sent by an intern. It was crucial to be objective about every little detail, their standard too high to allow anything less than perfect for their projects. It was a test to finalise these interns' positions in the company.

Heejae had never found this ordeal difficult as it did now. She had been doing this for years and yet today it was a true test of her morals, her principles. The most important principle in any working person's life being, keeping professional and personal lives separate.

"Miss Park, I like this clip much better than all the other clips. She's got talent. What do you think?" the head of the editing team said with a satisfied smile. Looking at the man's face she knew he wanted this editor on his team. It would be a shame for their team to let go of her, if she was being honest with herself. But her stubborn heart...

Heejae sighed as she rubbed her temple, feeling the headache set in from all the stress of work and overthinking. She needed to get a hold of her stupid feelings and think rationally, think selfishly for the sake of her future career as a film maker. If she really wanted to step up her game from directing for advertising and music videos to actual films and dramas, she needed this woman on her team.

"Alright," she conceded, standing up and looking down at her colleague. "Let's get my assistant to deliver the news, shall we?" The man grinned widely at her response, making Heejae smile faintly as they left the computer room.

Heejae heard a knock on her cabin door a few hours later. From the timid sound of the knock, she knew it wasn't her assistant. Her assistant would never even wait for her to respond to the knock before barging in and talking without a preamble. The weirdness she handled on a daily basis.

Shaking her head at the thought of her silly but lively assistant, she told the person waiting behind the door to come in. Her eyes widened however, when the person walked in. The woman dressed smartly in a pair black trousers and a black blouse smiled a little crookedly, her nervousness evident from her jerky bow.

"Um...sorry for coming unannounced but I wanted to say something. If you are free that is," the woman standing timidly, her shoulders hunched over said.

Heejae leaned back in her seat and regarded her for a moment. She really didn't know what to feel about her presence in her workplace. "I don't have time, Kim Hana," Heejae said finally, making the expectant look in the standing woman's eyes to shutter. She revelled in her discomfort and the embarrassed flush on the woman's face like a psychopath almost but she wasn't that bad.

"But since you are already here and have distracted me," Heejae spoke again with a teasing smile, "just take a seat and tell me what it is you wanted to say." The relief that blossomed on Hana's face made her feel a little uneasy. The last time they had both encountered each other, she hadn't been exactly respectful in the face of her anger and now, seeing her haggard face, she felt guilty.

"Thank you, Miss Park," Hana said as she took a seat in front of her. "I just wanted to let you know how grateful I am for this opportunity. I had really lost hope of ever finding any job again after what happened in the past and I was even more afraid of not getting it when I saw people with far more experience in editing alongside me."

Heejae chuckled at her stumbling words of gratitude. "You don't have to thank me, Hana. You were chosen because of your skills and the potential we saw in you. I'm just surprised that you were working as a makeup artist when you have such amazing skills." At that the woman looked down with a sad smile.

"Well, it is my passion to be honest," Hana replied in a tight voice. "But after everything that happened, I don't think I can go back to that. I'm just thankful I never stopped learning. Who knew I would need it someday?"

The woman behind the desk nodded, not knowing how to reply. An awkward silence descended upon the two women as they stared at nothing in particular but Hana soon broke it by saying, "You saw me kissing Yoongi, didn't you?"

Heejae's eyes widened at the unexpected question. She looked up into the other woman's sad eyes and gulped. "I know you did," she continued, addressing the elephant in the room. "I saw the pain in your eyes that day. I was angry at you back then when you slandered me without a second thought in front of so many people but then, the next day Yoongi confronted me and told me it was a mistake. That's when I understood that you were entitled to say those things. I got in between the two of you and I'm really sorry for that, Miss Park. I should have noticed sooner how close you and Yoongi were. I'm really sorry."

Heejae shook her head, feeling the guilt take over tenfold at her words. She was stupid, so very stupid to let her anger do the talking and hurt this sweet woman. "I'm the one who should ask for forgiveness, Hana. I should have never said those words to you. No matter how angry I was, it had nothing to do with you. I'm so very sorry for putting you through that pain and I can never forgive myself for that. I hope you find it in your heart to forgive my rash actions."

The woman smiled brightly, swiping at her wet cheeks furiously. "It's all in the past, Miss Park. We should learn to put it behind us and move on with our lives. And anyhow, it makes the two of us. Two women hurt because of Min Yoongi's savagely handsomeness. He really is a heartbreaker."

Hana's words unexpectedly made Heejae burst out laughing. "I couldn't agree more," Heejae said, making the other woman laugh along with her.

Just like that the animosity Heejae felt about letting Hana work in her company faded away and she vowed she would never let her anger get the best of her. Never again. It was time to put the past behind and grow up.


Sorry for the late update. I got caught up with other stuff.

You guys should know that I never introduce a character without any significance. So, what do you think Hana's significance is in this story? 

I also noticed that we are on chapter 30 and I honestly can't believe it. This is one of my favorite stories to work on in the whole series because of the variety of characters and the storyline as a whole, so do expect many more chapters in the future. This isn't ending anytime soon ;)

Thank you for reading!!!  

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