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The night was young, the air a little humid with the recent downpour. A long hot shower had removed the dirt and sweat of the day away. Now all Heejae wanted to do was to have a decent meal and maybe a hot drink to counter the chilliness from outside.

Her steps were unhurried as she left her room, dressed in a warm hoody, leggings, and thick socks. She just wanted something to eat and fall asleep to rejuvenate her body and mind. However, she stopped the moment she was in the kitchen and came in view of her living room. Her eyes were drawn to the man sitting in the dimly lit room, his pale features enhanced by the light coming from the television.

But it wasn't the person that made her stop, it was what he held in his hand that made her pause. "Is that whiskey?" she asked frowning. With a visible gulp, Yoongi turned his head in her direction and simply nodded before looking back at whatever was playing on the television.

Her hand slammed onto the table, the sound of it making the man flinch and look at her again. Her eyes were closed tightly, her lips pressed thin as she counted to ten to control the sudden wave of anger that hit her. "You know I'm pregnant, right?" she asked in a controlled voice, her eyes still closed.

Yoongi couldn't help but gulp, now nervous as he looked at her shaking body. "Y-Yeah," he stuttered, not understanding what was going through her mind. He generally read her easily but ever since they started living together, her behavior had been extremely unpredictable.

"And do you realize just how inconsiderate you are being right now?" she asked, her eyes spitting fire as she regarded him. This time, he understood exactly what she meant and he cursed himself for not reckoning. It was no secret that Heejae loved drinking, especially the one he was currently drinking.

Cursing himself under his breath, he cleared the table, threw the last bits of the amber liquid down his throat, and hurried to stash the bottle away. All the while he could feel her fiery gaze on his body and that made him trip more than once. Man, she scared him so bad.

Panting from the unexpected exertion, he sat back on his previous spot on the sofa, now aware of the woman moving around in the kitchen. He didn't dare speak as he kept an ear out to what she did while his eyes were trained on the screen. She had come home a little later than usual and she looked fatigued, so he didn't try to make small talk. It's not like it ever worked for them.

"I talked to Hana today," she mumbled as she sat down beside him, a big bowl filled with bibimbap in her lap. Looking at the bowl, Yoongi was too busy scrunching his nose in disgust seeing how she had dumped almost all of the side dishes they had in the bowl. He just knew it would taste horrible and whoever this Hana was would agree as well.

It was then he realized what she said. His eyes widened as his head whipped up to look at her. "What?" he all but screamed while Heejae scowled, her mouth stuffed with food. "I talked to Hana. Kim Hana, your old makeup artist," she replied a moment later, finishing her bite.

"Why?" Yoongi was extremely confused and the hungry woman beside him gave him no solid answer. It was driving him up the wall. She only shrugged and took another big bite, giving the television all her attention.

"Did she do something to you? What did she say? What did you say? She's alive though, right?" Yoongi spit questions at her as if he were rapping. Heejae sighed and put the spoon in the bowl, turning her body to give him her attention now.

"She said a lot of things. I said a lot of things. She is alive. Do you think I'll actually kill someone? You, of all people should know better. You would be dead by now if I meant every word I said," she scowled at him, picking up her spoon again to shovel some food in her mouth.

"She's going to work for us now, as a video editor. She's talented and the head just didn't want to let her go. She knows about us, she said. Or at least, she found out after she was fired and you talked to her. We weren't that subtle, I guess."

Yoongi sat back, his mind racing as he tried rewinding his conversation with Hana. He hadn't really said anything about Heejae back then, he had just told her he wasn't thinking straight and was surely not ready for a relationship. Not with her, not with anyone else. How did she figure that out?

But it didn't matter now. Her words were proven true anyways if Heejae had agreed with her during their chat. It was a moot point and yet it left a sour taste in his mouth. His instincts tingled as if sensing impending doom and with their lives already so messy, he didn't like Hana being in Heejae's life.

He wanted to ask her if she was comfortable with Hana working for her but he didn't get the chance. The doorbell chimed, making them both look at the front door.

"Who could be here so late?" Heejae grumbled, irritation clear in her voice. Yoongi got up to check who it was but not before covering his face with a mask. The neighbors knew by now that they were living together but they didn't know his face and he would like to keep it that way.

When he looked through the peephole, he saw no one. Frowning, he opened the door cautiously, looking around without letting any of his body parts get exposed. There was no one. Strange, he thought.

There was a kid on this floor who particularly loved to play pranks but after his firm admonition to not disturb his girlfriend, he only came to ask for chocolates or the ramen Heejae made because apparently, her ramen was the best thing in the world. And she did love to indulge the naughty ten-year-old.

It wasn't the kid today though and it was way past his bedtime anyway. Shaking his head, he decided it must be someone else or maybe they rang the doorbell by mistake.

Just when he would have shut the door fully, his eyes fell on the floor. More particularly, over the red envelope on the floor. The hackles on his neck rose as if in a warning. He had enough experience and had heard enough stories from fellow musicians to know this wasn't a normal envelope.

"Who is it, Yoongi?" He broke out of his trance hearing her voice. He quickly picked up the envelope, casting a glance in the hallway to see if he could catch someone but it was in vain. Shutting the door off, he walked back into the drawing-room to see Heejae still in her spot eating but her eyes were on him.

He gulped and tried to mask his shock and fear with annoyance as he took off his mask and sat down beside her. "There was no one. Someone is either playing a prank or did it by mistake," he replied with as much normality as he could muster. He couldn't let her know about the envelope, not till he saw the contents first.

He was scared to open it alone though. There was no name on the envelope and he was scared to even know what was inside. He couldn't let Heejae see it when he was this afraid, not with her current emotional state. He didn't want to give her any kind of stress or possibly put her in a life-threatening situation. But he guessed, he had already put her in danger the day he decided to live with her. The envelope tucked in his pant was proof enough as he could feel it on his skin like a hot, branding iron.

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