BOUND TO - chapter 1 ( it's time ! I hope you enjoy !)

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Caressing my stinging cheek, i sit shakily at the bottom of my best friends bed. After another fight with my boyfriend Caleb, i'm finally at my breaking point. My best friend paces the room with fury, her face bright red. Sylvie has been here for me since day one. We where born on the same day, at the same time, and i see her as my sister. Her parents took me in when i was 12, the day my parents died. They died in a car crash, it happened quite quickly. I don't think i have ever fully mourned for them, but the sadness has numbed over the years, i'm a strong woman, but not with Caleb. It wasn't always like this, he was sweet and caring the first day i met him, but he suddenly became very controlling and impatient. I'm his puppet, and i need to get out of this nightmare. With a little help from Sylvie, it has to be today.

S: This is the final straw... Look at you, you hardly look like you anymore! This piece of shit needs to go. I can't let him do this to you any more. It's more than just a bruise a week now.

I sniffle and nod my head.

Y: I know. This isn't your fault. i should have stopped this ages ago, but, i thought i could save our relationship.

S: I'm calling the police.

Y: No! Please, no police. I can do this myself.

S: Y/N, he deserves to be locked up for how he has treated you.

I pull my hair back and fall back onto the bed with a sigh. Sylvie sits next to me and pulls my head onto her lap. I look up, her red hair draping over her face above me.

S: Let me help. I want you to be safe, you're my sister.

A tear drips down my cheek and onto her lap.

Y: Okay. Let's do this.

I exhale and sit up, pulling my phone out of my pocket, i dial the number for the police.


(1 month later) Friday

S: Y/N! Ass! up! now!

I groan into my pillow and pull the sheets over my head. A few minutes later, loud footsteps barge into my room and pull the covers from my now shivering body. I moan in detest and sit up to see a giggly Sylvie at my door.

S: Breakfast is ready sleepy head! I've got work now, i'll see you later.

She blows me a kiss and i fake catch it and place my hand over my heart. She laughs and leaves the room. I don't know why she always wakes me up at 8 when she leaves. I suppose it does stop me from sleeping all day since i don't work. I'm still looking for a job, i didn't really have to work when i lived with Caleb, he didn't let me, even though I'm 22. Speaking of, we try not to talk about him. He pleaded guilty for the abuse he gave me, earning him 16 months in prison. Prick deserves it. I managed to get all my stuff from his house and move in with Sylvie who now owns her own apartment. She doesn't mind me staying, plus, i make all the dinners and i clean the house whilst she works at the local hospital. Her shifts vary, but i make the most of seeing her and going out, which we are tonight.

I crawl out of bed and have a quick shower, making sure to wash my hair so it can dry curly for later. Once i'm done, i apply a little bit of makeup and throw on my panda onesie, keeping comfy for the day until i have to dress up properly later. We plan on heading to a new bar that has just opened in the city. It sounds really good, although, being in London, it might have a bit of competition with other bars and clubs.

After finishing the bowl of fruit and yoghurt that Sylvie made for me, i turn on the tv and binge watch 'the night manager.' Tom Hiddleston never fails to impress me. For the rest of the day, i mainly clean the kitchen and toilets, not my favourite job but it has to be done. At around 5 o'clock, i start getting dinner ready. I start making spaghetti bolognase, one of my faves.

As i'm placing mats on the table, Sylvie walks through the door.

Y: Just in time! Get this down you, and then we can get ready to partayyyyy!

She laughs as she chucks her bag onto the sofa next to her and slams the door shut before slumping into her chair at the table.

I place both plates of food in front of us and also put down a small bowl of cheese to sprinkle on top.

S: So, do you think you'll meet a boy tonight?

After Caleb, I've become a lot more confident and stronger, but, I still don't think i'm ready for a relationship again just yet.

Y: Who knows. You?

S: Who knows.

She copies, shoveling a huge fork full of pasta into her mouth, almost making me choke on my water with laughter.

After cleaning up, we both go to our rooms and start getting ready for the night. I add to my makeup that I've already got on, and throw my hair into a ponytail. I'm not one for dressing up like most girls, so i settle for a pair of black jeans and a vintage style red button up top. I put on my mothers silver heart necklace and smile before heading into the lounge to wait for Sylvie. As i'm slipping on my black doc martins, Sylvie struts in wearing a tight green dress matched with blue heals, her makeup painted on like a doll. She's always so colorful and bold, never boring, and her figure suits anything.

She looks down at my boots and rolls her eyes.

Y: Hey! They're comfy!

S: I said nothing.

Y: You didn't have to!

She chuckles as she grabs her bag from the side and shuffles me out the door. Off we go.

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