BOUND TO - chapter 29

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Asher's POV:

As I stand here, saying these things to her, my heart breaks painfully. I don't mean a single word, but she needs to leave, she needs to be safe, and away from me...

I can't even explain in words how happy I am to see her standing there wearing my hoodie, but with what I've just done to her... I can't let her be near me anymore. I don't know what victors done to me, but I won't let him hurt the ones I love. So I stand here, pushing the only person I've ever loved away from me...

Her eyes glisten from her tears that she is trying so hard to hold back, her posture frozen in place. After hearing my harsh words, she turns and rushes out of the basement. I hold back my sobs and straighten up. This is for the best. To keep them safe. To keep her safe.

I stand for god knows how long, staring at where she stood in front of me, partly wishing she'd come back so I could embrace her and tell her that everything will be okay. I hear a slam upstairs and footsteps rushing closer to me.

V: WHAT TH... you're still here? What the fuck happened?!

I say nothing, I just look up at the vile human in front of me and frown. He made me hurt her. I slam my fist into his face as he stumbles backwards, if it wasn't for his minion behind him, I would've taken another swing. I'm pushed back into the metal chair I hate so much, and clamped back down. Victor stands tall and wipes the blood from his nose, I smirk with devilment.

V: Who was here? Why the fuck are most of my men lying lifeless up there?!

A: They are? Hm, I'm not sure.

I sarcastically respond, only making Victor grow more impatient.

V: It was your puny moron of a friend wasn't it? They came back for you? Did you kill one of them? The serum, it would've worked. Who snapped you out of it?!

A: That was a lot of questions from a man who usually has all the answers.

Victor snarls with rage as he stares at my smug face. I've won this argument, but I'm sure my victory won't last for long. And, serum? That's what made me go crazy. What the hell is Victor trying to do?

My unwillingness to be of any help sends Victor back up stairs out of the basement, and I'm left alone, only to think of her.

Y/Ns POV: Monday

I'm sat up in bed with a cup of tea Davina made me sat cold in the palms of my hand. I've not slept, I can't. I feel numb, like a part of my heart has been frozen and I can thaw it out. A knock on my door makes me lift my head wearily.

S: Well... don't you look like shit.

I let out a singular laugh and place my untouched tea onto the night stand. Even though Ash isn't here, I've not wanted to leave his house. It's like some part of me is still hopeful that he may just walk through the door at any minute.

Sylvie shuffles under the covers to sit next to me and I lay my head on her shoulder.

Y: What do we do now Sylvie? I honestly don't know if I can carry on with how I was, knowing, that Ash is in that basement still with Victor using him as a lab rat!

I tear up and clasp my hand to my mouth to stop the sobs coming out. Sylvie's hand stroked my arm sympathetically and she lets out a small sigh.

S: Can we not just call the police?

M: No.

We both sit up in shock and glance at the bedroom door where Mason is now standing, cross armed.

S: Why not?
M: Victor has tabs on all police calls that get sent through. If he finds out that we've snitched, he'll track us all down one by one before fleeing the country to find another place to hide.
S: Then what do we do?
M: Nothing.

My eyes fly up to him in disgust.

Y: What did you just say?
M: Y/N, he made his choice. He's not coming back.
Y: We can't just leave him there! Victors testing something on him and we have to find out what it is!
M: We tried to help him! He doesn't want our help!
Y: So that's it? You're just gonna give up on him? He's your BEST FRIEND!

Mason goes quiet as he looks to the floor, rubbing his temples.

S: I know emotions are high right now, but we all need to stick together in this. Y/N, I can see how much Ash means to you now, and I hate to see you sad. Mason, I'm growing to like you more every day, and you just aren't the same without your partner in crime.

We both listen intently to Sylvie as she speaks. She's right.

S: Please, stop arguing.
M: You're right. I'm sorry y/n. I don't want to give up on him, but he's always been so stubborn, I'm just not sure how to get him out of this one.
Y: That's why I want to help you, I know what happened last night was horrible, but it wasn't his fault, he didn't know what he was doing. We need to find out what Victor is using to make him like that.
S: Let's do some digging then.

I nod and crawl out of bed. Sylvie leaves with Mason whilst I get myself ready, I take a shower and then change into some comfy clothes. Shoving on a black hoodie and leggings, I brush my hair and then head downstairs.

As I walk into the office room, most of the men from last night are standing round Mason while he talks, I'm a little late into the conversation but I stand to the side and listen.

M: We think Ash has been drugged up with some sort of serum, something Victor has made to make him turn into some sort of prize fighter. It appears the only thing to get him out of the trance he was in... was... y/n.

All eyes turn to me and I squirm under pressure as I fold my arms.

S: What did you say to get him out of it?

I blush at the thought of saying 'I love you ' to him, and decide that it's a little embarrassing to admit in front of all his men.

Y: I... I can't remember.
?: What do you mean you can't remember?

One of the men from the group steps forwards and frowns in confusion. His black fuzzy eyebrows almost covering his eyes completely with how long they are.

Y: I don't recall what I said, I'm sorry.
?: That's bull...
M: Hey! Don't speak unless I say you can speak! Keep your trap shut!

The man goes silent, and I'm thankful for Masons input. I know saying 'I love you' isn't a big deal, but I'm sure there's another way to get Ash out of his trances. I know for a fact that if his men say 'I love you' to him, he'll just keep punching them for days, it won't work for them. And who knows if would even work a second time for me anyway!

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