: ̗̀➛ ❝Chapter One❞

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ᴺᴼᵂ ᴾᴸᴬᵞᴵᴺᴳ : Singularity

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺



As the cool breeze pass by, it whispered in Emit's ear as if it was warning her; taunting her that everything she has will eventually disappear. It'll all end up leaving her for granted without any form of reluctancy. Perhaps everything is just a dream, a mere fantasy that once she wakes up from her deep slumber, this nightmare is going to be lifted.

The leaves became the tranquility of her agitated nerves ever since she arrived. When her feet touched the moistened soil, It felt different and unknown.

Emit did a full 360 degree spin. Trying to comprehend her surroundings as to where she was and what happened to her.

The concussion after the jump is still on effect. Emit took a couple of minutes to think of where she is currently standing, but when she did, her eyes widened and started to check if every part of her body is still intact. A sigh of relief escaped from her mouth when her limbs are still attached to her body.

She looked out into the horizon, the sun is setting but the waves continued on their travels. The Isle of Skye, in just a few kilometers from the nearby village, a Tudor-Style bungalow lays steadily alone near the cliff. Emit flickered her eyes from the disappearing sun to the house behind her.

Several emotions simultaneously risen, the rage she was feeling earlier was long forgotten. The house held so much memories that Emit alone couldn't handle how painful it is to be there again. Not after everything she has been through.


Emit ran as fast as she could. Spell were thrown left and right as she tries her best to dodge and protect herself.

The crackling and popping woods on every direction she is running through filled her eardrums. Yells of incantations were heard from behind that Emit swore they were fighting each other as they chase after her.

She couldn't apparate now, her wand is nowhere to be found. The Ministry had most likely snapped it in half when they got ahold of it when she was busy talking to the Order.

When she come across a wide forest fire, Emit knew she's in trouble. She tried to go the other way, but she was blocked by a bunch of men wearing masks and black robes. Emit turned the other way, but there were Aurors pointing their wands at her. In just a simple snap of a finger, she was cornered between the wild fire, death eaters, and Aurors. All whom wanted her either dead or apprehended.

Emit smiled, looking down at her dirty boots. She wished for her friends to come and rescue her. She wanted to see her mother and father one last time. It only took her to be in a life-or-death situation just to think of everything that mattered to her. But then again, would they care if she dropped dead right that instantly.

Yells were heard; telling her to surrender herself quietly. Both parties have their own malicious intentions. One's for power, the other is just purely out of fear. Guess which is which.

Admitting defeat, Emit still kept the smile on her lips. She closed her eyes slowly as it burns. Imagining the last place she wanted to be at. It left a pang on her chest at the realization she's never going to have chance to live there with her significant other.

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