: ̗̀➛ ❝Chapter Four❞

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THE DAY AFTER EMIT made herself comfortable at Regulus' old room when Dumbledore dropped her off at Grimmauld Place that midnight. She didn't dare try to go out of the room for breakfast the next day. Emit needed time to let her brain process every information she had gathered from the meeting.

Sirius was the one who helped Emit navigate her way around the house. Since her and Remus' relationship is in a much bad shape than Sirius'. It's also a good time for the both of them to talk about the arrangement Dumbledore said before Emit decides to introduce herself to Harry and his friends.

Since she was back to her sixteen-year-old body, and her being Harry's Godmother– to which Lily somehow convinced James to make her one is still unknown– is far too confusing. Who's going to believe them that Emit is from the past, and is actually a grown twenty year old adult who is stuck in her teenage body.

It's crucial for her to have a false identity for the meantime. With the Ministry on high alert, and being a deceased criminal. They couldn't risk her being caught.

Regulus' room was tidy, to which Emit found amusing since the boy was close to her back in the day.

Emit stood by the unlit fireplace as she stares at the photographs placed on top of it. There were pictures of her and the Slytherin quidditch players framed in the middle. Surprised that Regulus kept the photo she gave him the day they won the match against Gryffindor.

It made her stomach churn at the thought that everyone from her year were dropping dead like flies.

Her reminiscing of the past was interrupted when a creaking sound from the door echoed all over the eerie room.

Sirius popped his head from the side and glanced around the room searching for a white haired girl. When he saw her standing by the fireplace, he sighed and entered the room. Closing the door behind him, he approached Emit quietly.

Their little conversation the other day at least helped Sirius to have the courage to speak to her again. Despite after what he did that certain day in the past, he knows Emit wouldn't forgive him for it quickly, but he was persistent that he'll do whatever it takes just to get his old bestfriend back into his life.

Emit didn't move when she felt Sirius' presence behind her. She kept her eyes on the moving photo of her smiling face, she was laughing at whatever Mattheo; Emit's Slytherin bestfriend, said to her.

A ghost smile twitched on the corner of her lips as she shakes her head slightly.

"What happened to us, Sirius?" asked Emit, grabbing the photo frame of the team.

"How did we all ended up like this?"

Sirius kept his mouth shut, not knowing what to answer. He too was wondering what all of them did to deserve such a horrific fate.

Emit placed the photo back to where it was laying originally, and flickered her eyes to Sirius- who is now standing besides her.

She laughed quietly looking up the ceiling wishing the tears that's forming in her eyes to vanish.

"At least they won't be worrying about dying, huh?" Emit said chuckling to herself.

"They're in a safe place now," Sirius croaked, giving Emit a small pained smile. "Let's keep each other safe, yeah?"

Emit hummed crossing her arms, " I heard Harry and his friends tends to get in trouble since their first year in Hogwarts." She mentioned redirecting the topic.

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