: ̗̀➛ ❝Chapter Six❞

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          DEAD AND BURIED MEMORIES. The unsettling feeling of Deja Vu contradicts with the vows Emit made for herself. Inhabiting her old room that was only made, and can only be used by the descendants of Slytherin. Many questioned where Emit was staying– considering how she's the only new fifth year, though no one really found out where her room was located; even the Slytherins were curious as to where the mysterious transferee from Italy was sleeping.

Acquaintances were made during dinner, As Theodore introduced Emit to his friends– who he ditched Emit at the station for.

Supposed to say, Emit wasn't that keen on meeting other people. Much less talking to people who is younger than her. She may look like a teenager but she's practically an adult.

She met Draco, whom she immediately knew was Lucius' son base on apperance and by the signature grey eyes and platinum hair of the Malfoy Family.

Term started, and even after the dramatic introduction of the so called Dolores Umbridge. Emit has never wanted out of Hogwarts more than before.

"I am very much looking forward to getting to know you all and I'm sure we'll be very good friends!" Umbridge exclaimed.

Students exchanged looks at this; some of them were barely concealing grins.

"I'll be her friend as long as I don't have to borrow that cardigan," Pansy whispered to the girl named Daphne besides her that Pansy introduced to Emit earlier at the feast, and both of them lapsed into silent giggles.

To say it was entertaining to witness, Emit has other priorities to tend to.

Emit and Ginny sat next to each other at the Gryffindor table– despite the glaring eyes of the other Gryffindors and confused looks from the other houses. The white-haired girl narrowed her eyes at the glasses lying right in front of her. Emit's gut kept telling her she forgot something, and Oh-how that feeling was right. She forgot to buy a cleaning solution for her contacts which she just realized earlier that morning when she woke up searching her duffle bag for it.

Now, she has no other choice but to wear it specially for potion class.

"I'm sure you'll look great either way." Ginny assured as she puts butter on her toast.

Emit mumbled profanities under her breath, picking up the glasses and putting it on. Ginny almost choked on her toast when she glanced at Emit. Even though the girl is scowling and showing her distaste towards the accessory, she looked- well. . . nice-looking with her hair tied into a bun displaying her slowly growing undercut.

Emit, oblivious the eyes gawking at her and also the she-Weasley staring. She scanned at her time-table quickly and groaned lowly. She stood up not before shoving a piece of bacon in her mouth and swallowed it instantly.

"I need to go. I have History of Magic for first period, and the classroom is on the other side of the castle." said Emit, already stressing at the long walk ahead of her. Ginny gave her a comforting smile and nodded.

She turned her heels and started to walk down the long table. Hermione appeared shortly after with Emit walking past her. The bushy-haired girl's eyebrows knitted as her eyes follows Emit's distressed state until she disappeared from the hall. Her brown eyes locking with Ginny, who is staring at the door Emit exited.

"She's wearing glasses?"

"I know." Ginny answered looking dazed.

"That was a question."

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