: ̗̀➛ ❝Chapter Two❞

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          THREE WEEKS has passed since Dumbledore's unexpected visit at the Isle. With Emit's abiding trust issues and paranoia. She packed her bags and left her home, knowing full well Dumbledore still has his eyes all over the Isle. She's temporarily staying in the muggle world at Central London now. It was full of buzzing streets, tons of people, and a never ending greetings from strangers. To say Emit loved it there, it would be a lie.

She never goes out of her rented apartment, unless it's necessary. That is, going out shopping essentials for her to survive like food.

Her neighbor, who is named Kayden, is nice enough to lend Emit things that could keep her entertained and sane as she locks herself up from the outside world. He never dares to disturb Emit's peaceful haven, and ever tried to be that typical annoying next-door neighbor.

They exchanged conversations that only lasted for a minute or so if they cross one another in the hallway.

But of course, there is always a time where someone is going to be desperate. At lunch, Kayden knocked on the door sweating and shaking. His presence surprised Emit, who is eating Doritos with her walkman by the window.

She grabbed a piece of cloth from the side and wiped the cheese powder on her fingers.

"I'm sorry for disturbing you . . . " He said looking down on his feet.

"It's alright," said Emit nonchalantly. "Are you okay?"

Kayden nodded his head, he looked up scratching the back of his neck and cleared his throat, "It's - My family is throwing a party, and my mum asked me to bring a friend."

Emit hummed walking towards her duffle bag that's laying on top of the counter, "Goodluck with that," She chuckled "Family gatherings are tiring as crap."

The boy laughed quietly, "Say, are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Not that I know of, no."

Kayden nodded his head and shifted a bit, "Can you accompany me tomorrow?"

"To your parent's party?" asked Emit.

"Yes . . . If that's alright with you?"

Emit stared at him for a second and then shrugged, "I don't know, I'm not that fond of social gatherings, let alone interacting with people I don't even know."


It has been days since the last time Emit seen the light of day. Her food stock is running low already, meaning she's bound to go out and buy some more.

She sighed grabbing a razor in her bag, "Fine."

Kayden's eyes lit up and smiled widely, "You're sure about that answer right?"

Emit rolled her eyes, "Yes, Now shoo before I change my mind."

"Thank you. I owe you one!"

With that Kayden bolted out and ran back to his apartment. Emit chuckled as she grabs her toiletries and razor before going to the bathroom.

The drive to Kayden's parents' house was time consuming. If only the boy was a wizard Emit could've apparated the both of them there in an instant.

When they arrived at the boarders, Emit looked at the sign saying . . .

Welcome to Little Whinging,
County of Surrey.

"I already informed mum and dad I'm bringing you there. Don't worry, I'll help you avoid my family relatives because I intend on hiding from them as well." said Kayden without looking away from the road.

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