: ̗̀➛ ❝Chapter Three❞

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12 GRIMMAULD PLACE, If it's the first time someone got there, the first thing that'll come into their minds are: Dark, Depressing, and Dirty. Never in a million year did Sirius thought that the house he despised so much has a chance to become so lively and packed.

The meeting started a minutes ago, and the room was buzzing with different voices simultaneously.

Dumbledore sat at the head of the table while the rest are either standing or scattered sitting around the room. There were looks of confusion and curiosity towards Emit, who is sitting at the far end if the table. Due to the girl looking like a teenager, multiple questions and protests from the older members of the Order were sent to Dumbledore.

Sirius sat between Remus and Charlie Weasley. He was glancing at the white-haired girl from time to time as he can sense her getting tense at the amount of eyes staring at her.

"Dumbledore, why is there a kid in here?" finally asked by Marcus Fenwick.

Emit didn't move, she only sat up straight with a blank expression on her face. Dumbledore held up a hand urging everyone to be silent.

"We'll discuss all about that later when the rest have come back from rescuing Harry," He said calmly.

"For now . . ." He continued gesturing Bill Weasley to lay down the scrolls he is holding, "We must discuss recruiting Order members and a plan."

Marcus was about to protest about Emit being in the room when a dark long haired man cuts him off.

"If Dumbledore insisted that the girl should be here, then there's nothing wrong about her being in this room."

Marcus gaped at him in disbelief, "She's a child, Ronin! The same age as your son, but I don't see you allowing him to join the Order."

Remus tried to calm the two men before starting a fight. Ronin stood up from his seat and towered over Marcus.

"Don't bring my son into this, Fenwick."

"You know I'm right. Kayden doesn't get to join the Order, but a little girl can?" Marcus stood up from his seat too, glaring at Ronin who is a few inches taller than him.

"You don't know nor have any clue on what's —"

"If you're questioning my presence in here, then you're basically questioning Dumbledore too." Emit suddenly commented.

The whole room went quiet. Sirius looked down on his lap hiding his smirk. Marcus turned his glare towards the girl. Emit stared at him bored in a mocking manner.

"That's enough, We have important matters to discuss." Arthur said sternly looking directly at the two men on the other side of the table. They scoffed at each other and sat down to their respective seats.

The meeting went on with Emit, who is now standing by the door right next to the fruit counter. She's nibbling a piece of strawberry when someone opened the door revealing a stomping large man with a fake eye with a couple of people behind him.

Emit peeked her head to the side and saw Harry standing in the middle of the empty hallway smiling. She jumped slightly, her body suddenly went cold at the sight of him there. At first glance, she thought James was standing there with his infamous cheeky grin. She looked back and saw Remus and Sirius looking startled at the boy's presence too.

It seems like it wasn't just Emit who thought she was being haunted by James' ghost.

Molly walked past Emit and closed the door on her face. She huffed and went back to her seat, but not before taking a handful of strawberries on the way.

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