Chapter #21

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"Get out of here! Go! We'll take care of him!" yelled a voice from behind.

Another roar ripped through his throat and seemingly silenced the approaching storm from His chest. It had been so long since I had smelled rain and wet dirt that my instincts spiraled into a complete frenzy.

Valerie and Eva jumped into action. As they tried holding me up, my head fell lazily. I was exhausted, but the whole experience felt exhilarating. I could smell Him. I could smell him through my perfume, through my body rubbing against my friends' and I shuddered as more heat radiated from me.

Grace ran to our side "We're close, but we have to send her out of here right now!"

I groaned, "How did you know?" I panted as I stumbled on my shaky limbs.

"You gave off a scent in the car, and Raiden's Hollow left a cute note for me..." she muttered.

I wanted to ask more, but a headache began bouncing around my head. I felt choked up and wished for a bucket of ice-cold water to be dumped over my naked skin. My body emitted so much warmth that when the first fat drops of rain landed on my flesh, it felt like a bullet. As I looked up to the sky, I smiled cynically and let my head drop once more. Valerie and Eva hoisted my arms over their shoulders once more and made easy work of me.

We suddenly came to a stop and Grace ran to a dark entrance to the side of Raiden's brother's grand mansion. They waited in silence, and I panted laboriously. More raindrops hit the earth's hot surface and I breathed in deeply through my nose, "I'm sorry..." I moaned as another heatwave came over me.

"No, don't be, we were happier to have had the opportunity to see you, we missed you a lot," said Eva in a kind tone. She smelled of sweet milk and honey.

"You smell nice..." I breathed and rolled my head over my shoulders as they held me up.

She chuckled lightly, "You do too..." and she looked at Valerie's glazed eyes.

Valerie blinked a few times and shook her head, "Tania? Raiden's brother just told me you would be going somewhere... I'm not sure where, but Colton said it's all planned and figured out. Raiden has it all planned." She said in a slightly worried tone.

"What do you mean, I'm going somewhere?" I frowned, and I suddenly felt sick.

The doors at the top of the sweeping staircase burst open and Raiden roared at the sky, as his brother and Colton dug their claws into his shoulders as they tried pulling him back inside.

At the sight of my mate, I whimpered as I let the wind carry my scent to him. My body oozed lust through my pores, and when it reached his sense, he whipped his head in my direction. His face was red and torn with his eyes boring holes through mine. I felt like snickering at his frenzied state, but I was so lost on the flames that licked my skin that I let my Heat intoxicate me, inside, and out.

A car skidded to a stop, and Grace rushed out, arms wide open, as she directed Valerie and Eva to the front where they quickly buckled me into the front seat. They slammed the door shut and waved sadly, 'We love you,' they mouthed, and my head fell back as I felt the sweat dripping down the valley between my breasts.

Grace stepped on it as she frantically looked at the scene I caused and left behind.

The air conditioning blasted through the fans and I almost screamed in relief. It calmed me for now and I felt my fever subside.

"You're going to a secluded area. Raiden's been organising it for a while since you hadn't had your Heat in a while," she began in a panicked tone, "you might not like what happens to him while you're there, but just know we're doing it for you. The pack wants its Alpha back."

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