Chapter #5

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I woke up in a jolt to the sound of something banging nervously on our dorm room door.

"GIRLS! For the last time wake! Up!" The voice said.

I remained quiet, and looked for any sign that any of the girls was awake, and there was a short silence that followed. It was so quiet that you could hear yourself swallow. Then the faint sound of rattling keys, when suddenly all the noise came flooding in, the sound of girls rushing down the hallway, all in their...

Why were they in their u—

"GIRLS!" The supervisor yelled.

Other women pulled us out of bed in their formal attire; they made us stand still while they undid any buttons to our sleepwear hastily. Then one spoke to the other, "Just rip it off."

"Wait, wha—AAH!" Samantha screamed, trying to cover herself.

"Now," the woman undressing her said, as she turned to Samantha's drawers to look for something to wear, and then she found the shopping bag that... Tamy had brought.

Oh no...

"Miss, is it Ju—"

"Quiet! Change into your clothing, we don't have a single second to waste." She whispered harshly.

When we were all dressed we joined the sea of people rushing down to the main field, the sun hadn't even come out yet, but the morning dew shone in the pale light that came from the moon's last hours. We stepped down the stairs, flinching at the cold, and yet, we could change into our werewolf forms to remain warm, but the supervisors said no.

Some girls were giggling, jumping from the excitement, while others seemed more careful and held their own bodies to keep warm and even keep to themselves, and some were sobbing as they walked down.

So many of them has beautiful bodies, and yet, while we were taught to be confident in our own skin, we all tried hiding them.

In the mass of werewolves, we walked down the final flight of stairs, and came to an abrupt stop when we saw the field we played in. The field was covered with girls, rows and rows of girls. They all seemed to act like this was just another day, they would chatter about and every time they broke formation, the supervisors would order them back in line.

My friends and I walked alongside the rows; we passed probably fifty at this point.

"Dude, I can't even see the end of one row." Macy spoke, pointing at the endless line.

"Yeah, me neither." I mumbled.

This made me think of a movie I watched once with my sister, The Human Centipede. Something I wouldn't recommend to anyone, not even the people I hated, if any.

As we passed more and more rows, the woman stopped, and her arm jolted to the left as though to signal us what direction to go in. I was at the back of our group with Daphne. And I saw Avery and Yasmine next to the gap that seemed to be where we would go. Just as I made my way around, the sound of a woman telling us to get in our positions scared me. I began to run down the line, trying to find a spot. The grass beneath my feet was still cold. My toes felt the unpleasant welcome of the cold and the fog that began to settle only gave me more of a reason to be scared.

I found an empty spot, when all of a sudden, I felt the ground shake. Some girls gasped, others shrieked. I ran to the spot, and halted the moment I stepped there. The ground shook even more, it felt like and earthquake, and yet it wasn't.

As the ground shook, the girls struggled to remain standing. Some fell over, and my first instinct was to help them, but they all had someone to help them get up.

Then a deadly silence followed.

It was quiet.

The only sound I can hear was my heart pounding against my ribcage, the blood pulsing through my ears and the cold breeze that passed through our rows. Then, the edges of the field grew darker...

I frowned and squinted my eyes to make up a shape, but as I did so, a black shape flashed by. I held my breath. Then another whizzed behind us, followed by another, then another, and then fifty at a time worked between the girls, quietly and quickly picking them out of the rows.

On instinct, I wanted to run away, I was scared, I felt vulnerable, I'm sure we all did, but we had to stay still.

Another shape crossed our row, and whatever it was—it was fast – but when I looked down at my leg where I felt it rush past, there was a small cut, and a single drop of blood rolled down the backside of my leg.

The girl next to me looked at me in fear, "Miss! She h—"

I quickly covered her mouth, "Shut up! It's fine! Don't draw any attention to me I d—"

"Silence!" A booming voice spoke.

I flinched at the voice. Gulping and yet I stood still when I felt the cold nipping at my bare thighs. I stood still. In that navy blue underwear and bra that I was so excited to wear. And now, I was petrified at whatever was admiring it from the back, or the front, or the side. I guess it depended on the animal and it's whereabouts. My muscles were bunched, like I was ready to fight even if all I wanted was warmth. I licked my lips when I heard footsteps coming my way. I closed my eyes and hopped that whoever it was would just pass me.

I felt warmth at my ankles. And that travelled up and up until it fanned over my shoulder. I shuddered at the comfort, it felt so foreign yet, so familiar.

Right as I opened my eyes, I felt a hand on my waist.

I stopped breathing. I felt the increasing warmth wherever they touched me; the hand travelled from my waist, squeezing it gently, then to my hip, the pad of their thumb running over my hipbone. They stepped closer and closer, until their chest touched my back and my eyes popped open when I felt a bulge against my ass.

I took in a shaky breath, now the hands were at my wrists they graced over my body like I was made of dust, and any harder touch would topple me over. They smelled my neck, and when they did, their body trembled. I gulped again, and this time, I inhaled and exhaled in an attempt to relax.

I was about to let myself be embraced in the warmth but the warmth suddenly disappeared. There was nothing left. I was about to open my eyes, but I was too scared, that when I felt something touch the tip of my nose, I jumped in shock. The two hands clamped around my biceps and I breathed very hard now, my knees would combust beneath me and I felt the need to hold on to something.

"Open your eyes." The voice said.

It was a soothing sound, but I was cautious. The hands gripped a little harder, "Open your eyes..." They asked, and this time it felt a little more like a threat.

My eyes opened, slowly letting the light in and then I batted my eyelashes to adjust to the light.

When my eyes focused on what was in front of me, I almost fainted, but my wolf stirred, and it stirred from my head, down to my chest, and made its way down to my core.

A pair of golden eyes stared back at me and my chest heaved up and down in shock first, and then in awe, something in me wanted to embrace the warmth while another wanted me to dance with it.

He had... curly dark brown hair, and tan skin, veins webbed his hands and when I looked at his thumbs, they were gently stroking my arms.

I felt myself about to faint, but he held me harder and when I gasped at the response my body gave, he smirked...



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