Chapter #4

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We woke up the next day in a frenzy as we got ready for school. Some of my friends climbed into their cars, while others climbed into mine.

"Can we stop somewhere and get some food?" Eva asked sweetly.

I nodded, pulling down the handbrake and we rolled out Valerie's grand compound.

Eva, Phoebe and Daphne were in the car with me. As we drove down the road that swept the mountainside, my mind drifted to the thought of meeting an Alpha, pondering what he'd be like. I wondered what he would be like. Most of the time they're just the same as any other werewolf, only... stronger and well I guess hungrier for other things...

What if I'm chosen? I asked myself as I checked my rearview mirror for my friends' cars.

The thought of meeting my mate made my wolf and I both leap with joy but wince at the thought of losing the sense of family I founded with my friends. That said, a fresh start with the love of my life didn't sound so bad. It was something anyone would want to feel, but I knew I would deeply miss my friends and family.

Simply looking in the rearview mirror at Eva and Daphne as they chattered happily with each other, and glanced at Phoebe in the passenger seat I smiled sadly to myself. Then, I briefly looked back out the window and it suddenly hit me how important each of them was to me.


We arrived at school, and I parked the car with sweat dripping down the sides of my face, I was so scared of knocking into another car. All of us were giggling as we climbed up the stairs while Eva imitated what a drunk Phoebe would be like.

"I swear, she would literally just sit and watch, then she would laugh at nothing and everything at the same time, then we'd ask her what's wrong and she'd start crying." Eva smiled warmly at Phoebe.

Daphne gasped with a huge smile slapped on her face, "That's truuue!" she pointed a finger to the sky as she thought more on Eva's theory on drunk Phoebe.

I chuckled at their wild imagination, "What about me?" I asked them as I pursed my lips with an amused smirk on my lips.

Daphne looked at me, frowning at first, then a smile crept on her face, "Babe. You'd be all over that special someone." My jaw dropped at her interpretation of me.

"Daphne how can you say tha—"

Daphne burst out of laughter, "Tania, I've read those steamy poems in that sketchbook of yours, your man is gonna be one lucky man!" she wiggled her eyebrows.

I blushed furiously as I covered my face with my hands, "Okay, okay, okay! No more! I don't want to hear more about myself!" I surrendered, and Daphne laughed even harder then blew me a seductive kiss.

I shook my head in complete astonishment at her audacity.


After dropping our bags in our large dorm once we reached school, we went to the main hall where the decoration boxes were stacked by the hundreds. I huffed at the idea of having to open them all and the tedious work that went into laying the ornaments on the tables and reaching the high ceilings with a perilously tall ladder.

After every Alpha's "picking", food and drinks were brought in by the alpha's pack to thank the school for providing them with mates and it was also a way for those that didn't find a mate to celebrate in one way or another. We still had tomorrow to prepare, but the head of school wanted things done by the end of today. That way we could focus on other things tomorrow.

I huffed as I lifted a box, and then waved my arm to my friends who followed suit.

With every box we picked, we rotated them around in order to read the labels.

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